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Everything posted by GSpotter63

  1. I think the game needs a reputation point system. The amount of points one receives for a kill is dependent on the point level of the killer as well as the level of the target. If player A ( with 20 points) kills player B ( with 1000 points) player A gets 100 points for killing a high level player and player B looses 300 points for getting killed by a nob. If player B kills player A on the other hand player B looses 300 points for killing a Nob and the nob player A only looses 5 points. If both players A and B have about the same reputation point level then the exchange of points one to another would be even. I am sure that some sort of % equation would work fine here. Running around killing nobs would make your reputation level drop like a stone into the negative numbers turning you into public enemy No.1 and the most hunted man in the game. To help a player decide whether or not he should engage a target, the targets reputation level would be displayed as you aim near the target. A leader board showing all the reputation levels could be posted for bragging rights. When starting a new player your reputation level would be set at 0 and go up or down from there. Staying at either the bottom or the top of the leader board would be very difficult. The last known position of those near the top or bottom of the leader board could be broadcast to all players with a map and help the mid level players home in on the positions of the top and bottom players and make their game more difficult. A point system like this could help cut back on the amount of top level bandits ( players that do nothing but kill other players) making the game more enjoyable for those who just want to be survivors yet still allows for bandits to have their fun. Without PVP this game would just be another zombie frag fest like all the rest.