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Everything posted by Zambizi

  1. I can only give you one can of beans :'(
  2. I didn't, mod's were on to it like white on rice.
  3. Take a plunge and hope for the best. No one is going to answer that question because of that fact that there are many hackers that would love to avoid being banned. To answer is to hand it to them on a silver platter. Until the stand alone comes out, all this bollocks goes away then.
  4. I don't even care if it's not true, you have my beans.
  5. Jeepers mate.... it was ME that was reported.
  6. And fair enough on the report/warning, it showed me it can be done though.
  7. Catching up on fringe and house episodes now
  8. for those that caught it though it's apparently not hard. I'm in it for the long haul though, I did nothing wrong, 6hrs 35min till my next appeal email.
  9. "passive hacking/interacting with hacked items" is not a bannable offense according to Battleye's website
  10. Got me a phone number now
  11. Looks like it's a one man operation, VAT number is valid. Also might explain the lack of a response
  12. Yeah I've check the white and yellow pages, can't find nought for the address. Also check the company register for the area, nothing there either. Chasing the VAT number now. If only I could play, I would have something better to do.... Have already finished rigging my trace for tomorrows fishing trip :D
  13. I'm bored, finished with work for the week, and stalking battleye invoations in germany, pretty nice that they list a residential address on the site. Next stop company register, takes ages translating german sites
  14. Shoulda let them google it, I've only posted it twice already.
  15. Then go check the 95819 beta patch forums, I believe a vet poster Grunt has been hit as well.
  16. Now I have to get up at 2am and check again/send another
  17. Just got home, patched up then tested... Still banned :( 4th email on it's way
  18. Yup for me as well, on main server, hopped to another, quickly looted ATV then went back to main, and whamo ban hammer
  19. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138509-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95819-%281-62-MP-build%293 What is this SVI and why would we be banned for using it after it was removed?
  20. Here is a ray of hope? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138509-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95819-%281-62-MP-build%29&p=2204544#post2204544 Long time arma players/contributors now getting banned? Does anyone know what this SVI thing is and why if it was removed we would get banned?
  21. Absolutley not, but knowledge is power. I've been in the exact same situation they are in as well. I love the legal threats because you then just give them your lawyers contact details and then leave them to it.
  22. If I look at this as if it was my job, it is something they can hide behind. The problem is that this is an "Unplanned Event" in my line of work. At the moment I am watching seismograph drums, not because it's my job but because if the volcano they're on goes off I have to let the company and our customers know that we have a plan in place and we're working on it. This will stop over 900000000000 phones calls into the contact centres resulting in a situation where we have to many customers calling and not enough people answering phones. This drives up wait times for people waiting to get through. This then snowballs and the get angry because of shit service. bla bla bla The wall of silence approach will back fire. All we need is a message/some information. I'm looking for help on making an official request of information/how to go about it in germany. It's very interesting reading.