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About Royalfork

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  1. pfff twinkies have got nothing on beans
  2. Royalfork

    Lying in side channel?

    If the say "friendly" and you trust them, you can only blame yourself if you get merc'd
  3. One time in cherno I was 'solid snaking' around to get supplies and suddenly ran into another bandit as I rounded a corner(NOTE: at this point we are 20ft apart, prone and SURROUNDED by zombies). I made the split second decision to shoot, I'm not sure why but it felt like one of those kill or be killed moments. So I emptied my makarov into the guys face and to my horror aggroed all the zombies within a 2 block radius. I manged to eventually get away but wow I felt stupid and on top of that the second I shot him he typed into chat "Easy" which I got to late because of lag. I also never managed to loot his body :(.
  4. Royalfork

    Message from a survivor:

    "NOTE: THIS USER HAS A MAJOR CASE OF BUTTHURT." fixed* Also, OP is going on my kill on sight list, I dont care if he is just spawning on the beach, OP will die.
  5. .:The Bandit Survey:. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) It kind of went like this: Self-defense>Bandit skin>always get shot at on sight>accept fate>*bandit mode engaged :D* .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? Pretty typical ambush tactics .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? Alone, I'm less likely to be noticed and I hate looking after others. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? I usually watch over high traffic routs in between major locations. Usually the most popular routs between cherno, the Sobors and the airfield. .: What are your weapons of choice? CZ or enfield until I kill someone with a assault rifle as primary. Secondary is usually the makarov(ammo is everywhere and I need something quiet vs zombies) .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? I know Chenarus like the back of my hand(from experience playing the game since its release). I kill only if they have something I want, I'm not a complete psyco. I don't kill nooberovs, Its poor sport. .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? It can be very difficult to loot a town when you are alone and have pvp oriented gear. I am can also be greedy(Ex: break cover to go loot that sweet assault rifle and THEN realize the person I just killed was actually the first of a group of 5) this has gotten me killed alot. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? I stumbled upon a group of four survivors huddled around a campfire in the middle of the night, I killed two of them with my enfield before the others could react and the rest didn't even make it out of the light of the fire. I netted some pretty sweet loot(M4 CCO with about 6 mags, range finder, an elite coyote, enough food to last me a life time and an assortment of small arms that I didn't need.)
  6. Royalfork

    What was your dumbest death?

    even though there was already a thread like this, I'll contribute anyway. Mine could be best summarized by: -Ive got VERY nice gear -been alive for 12+ hours -expect to go out in a blaze of glory -die falling down the stairs -"FUUUUUUUUUU"
  7. Royalfork


  8. Well, If you don't want security or to have any armament on your self. I'd atleast advise that you tell people to come to a 'false' location that you can watch from a distance so you can judge if they intend on shooting you. Then you can decide whether or not to invite the person to your 'real' location over direct chat.
  9. Royalfork

    Your highest Zombie body count.

    A pathetic 30 and thats after like 15 hours of pure in game time. I prefer stealth when It comes to zombies and I only shoot if I have to.
  10. You've got balls I'll give you that, by advertising that you have medical supplies and your location you're just asking for trouble. I'm a loner bandit and I wouldn't shoot you(mainly because I need another person for a transfusion(I know, I'm cruel, but thats life)) but when dealing with groups I don't think you will be as lucky. If I were you I'd get some security by either creating or joining a squad/clan.
  11. Thus is life in Chernarus. I myself had a similar experience; here I was, Ak-74 with 7 mags, elite cyote full of supplies, map, compass, knife, ect. you get the picture. I was moving around elektro to meet up with my friend who just got the game, I made my way to the top floor of the building near the power plant so I could scope out the area better, then on my way down... lag spike... "crap"... side step off stairs accidentally... fall to my death... "FUUUUUUU"
  12. The Winchester, its stupidly quite, ammo is very plentiful and comes in stacks of 15. Oh, and did I mention that its a one hit kill weapon?
  13. Royalfork

    Suggestion for Respawning.

    There is a section for suggestions... :S
  14. well so far with the new patch and the increase in zombie levels has completely changed my method of banditry, engaging survivors it towns has become much to risky, now I rely on ambushing people as they trek in between towns. Now, I sometimes wish I wasn't a bandit because looting a town on your own has gotten much more difficult these days.
  15. I think I share my experience of going bandit with alot of people. At first, I decided that I'd play a survivor, group up with other people, be friendly, ect. but things went sour from the start. My bandit life started out with a simple encounter with another survivor that quickly became a self defense situation where it was either me or him, I of course choose me which set my humanity back quite a ways. This situation seemed to repeat itself several times and eventually earned me a Bandit skin, this only made things worse because now people were just shooting me on sight and I could no longer trust anyone. So eventually I said "screw it" and went full bandit. But I wouldn't classify myself as one of those CZ 'psycos', I don't kill for sport, but if I'm starving or if you have really nice gear that I want, you'd better run.