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About smiffotw@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    How do i open doors (webshot)

    If you're stuck indoors and can't open a door, use a smoke grenade; they seem to bring the whole f*cking house down at the moment.
  2. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    how to change color?

    I don't believe women can wear ghilli suits...... However, if you swim far enough out to sea there's a glitch that will put you ina scuba suit! :)
  3. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    2 In-Game Information Questions

    1. Jump off a lighthouse and see if that answers your question* 2. Sorry don't know how to check in-game, but when you log into a server it should give you the number at that moment in time e.g. 26/40 *all deaths
  4. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Vehicle questions

    If you search for 'vehicle' it doesn't come up with many useful results, so the OP's question is perfectly fine to have its own thread. OP, you'll soon learn there's an aweful lot of bellends in this world. I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question, however.
  5. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    What do I need to play exactly?

    What do I need to play? Patience.
  6. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    How can my little brother play?

    I've managed to get two profiles, although I only play on one of them now. I created a second profile in arma 2 (as I accidentally set up the original profile with my teal name and really wanted my usual gaming tag). I can't remember how I managed it but I will check/test it tonight when I get tine to play and come back to you here with my findings.
  7. Why ask questions when theres lots of information on it already, a youtube clip and, perhaps, try using google if you dont understand the reference? How do you like your own medicine?
  8. smiffotw@hotmail.com


    Hmmm maybe I caught the clod before I started running; I did go afk to get a pizza and left my guy prone in a tree just outside the NE airfield at night, and it was raining at the time. I'm sure I'll be able to survive it for a while but learning that antibiotics are very rare on wiki was a bit upsetting; you'd have thought antibiotics were common in hospitals/medic stations etc -surely it's more common than blood! lol
  9. smiffotw@hotmail.com


    Cheers dude, thought that may be the case. I know of spot near where I am that had 3 tents full of stuff. I was looting them of weapons and didnt think to look at their medical supplies as I had morphine, epi-pens etc etc and thought I would get by with that. What surprised me though was that wiki says running will keep your temperature up. i was running for a good 10-15 misn when I noticed my temp flashing.
  10. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Question: Cannot find the asnwer

    Chombers. Some people are just trying to help you and suggesting reasons. Some of your replies to them make to out to be a bit of a douche. I believe I know what your issue is, but your attitude needs to change before I enlighten you. Good day.
  11. smiffotw@hotmail.com


    Hi guys Just looking for a little advice on infections, coz I've got one. I've read dayz wiki and it says I lose blood slowly until 6000 blood. Fair enough, got plenty of steaks. But each time I eat one my blood will continue to tick down again. However, I'm not sure what will happen when it reaches 6000. Is that it? Once it hits 6000 the infections over, or if I eat again my blood will start to go down again? I know I need antibiotics, but I'm miles from a medical centre and I also know they're a rare spawn. Thanks in advance .
  12. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Weapons in bags

    Good point. Cheers
  13. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Weapons in bags

    Awesome ta. I'd seen the wiki site by must've missed the slot info first time round. Answers are 10 and 3 respectively if anyone else was also wondering. Side arms take up 5
  14. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Weapons in bags

    And whilst I'm on the subject, how many slots does a tent take up?
  15. smiffotw@hotmail.com

    Weapons in bags

    I keep reading in various posts if people with more than one main weapon. I assume we have the ability to store them in our bags if we have sufficient space. If this is true, is there anywhere I can find out how many bag slots a weapon will take up? I foolishly tried putting my m16 in my bag only to discover I'd lost it (only had 3-4 slots available)..... To make matters worse, I thought I'd test it at the NWAF. Not a fun place to be with only a handgun.