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About snuffalufuges

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    On the Coast
  1. snuffalufuges

    Still getting LOW FPS, Help?

    I have done all that, several times, goose egg...
  2. Here are my specs: Intel QuadCore2 Quad CPU q8200 RAM 4GB ATI Radeon HD 5600 500 GB For some reason, I am only getting 10 FPS. I have done everything. Updated my drivers, uninstalled and re-installed ArmaII:CO, followed every possible way to launch DayZ, RAMDisk, etc. It is very confusing, because on the forums on reddit, I should be able to play the game smoothly. I tried playing on low settings, it just didn't work. People are running it smoother with lower specs then me. Here are my previous posts: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/x2o1i/cant_go_higher_then_10fps/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43197-low-fps-problem/ I am not giving up on playing this game, it seems like it is extremely fun. -Snuffy
  3. snuffalufuges

    Low FPS problem!

    For some reason, nothing is working. I am playing with RAMDisk and on all low settings and I am still getting 10fps. It has never been like this in a game for me. I am going to uninstall somethings on my pc and hopefully that will work. My computer specs are: Intel QuadCore2 Quad CPU q8200 RAM 4GB ATI Radeon HD 5600 500 GB
  4. snuffalufuges

    Low FPS problem!

    Hey Everyone! I am a very new user... I just bought Arma II on steam along with Arrowhead. I am getting very low FPS in the game, like 1-10. I ran CanYouRunIt.com and it says that everything is fine. People are saying it's because of the update. I have tried almost everything, following youtube videos of course... Any ideas on whats going on?