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About piru

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  1. piru

    ArmA 2 Breaking Point

    Breaking point moved onto Arma 3 and I believe Arma 2 support was removed. Edit: link -> http://www.thezombieinfection.com/topic/4983-moving-on-arma-2/
  2. If you're constantly putting yourself in a situation where you're the one getting shot at... well you're doing it wrong. Taken how easy it is to survive at the moment I can just imagine the KoS cries if the game gets a little challenging on that department. As long as there are guns you're gonna get shot at for one reason or another and I wouldn't take it any other way.
  3. piru

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    Why people argue about the m4 being accurate past 300-400 meters is irrelevant. At current state it's inaccurate even at point blank range without magically imbued magpul parts that reduce randomness byt X. It's broken and hopefully will be dealt with. Don't worry tho, if by some silly reason this is how Dean thought it should be, modders will save us when the time comes.
  4. piru

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Anyone who voted 'no' can go look into the mirror and repeat "I'm a hypocrite selfish ba%¤#d" a hundred times. >:( PC gaming should always encourage modding when possible. That's how good things like DayZ are born! I don't really care for the current dayz 'clones' that much, but to say that anyone else should not enjoy them is just absurd.
  5. Respawning loot is already in game. Just go sit in one corner of the many barraks and sooner or later these aid packages just respwan near you. Hit em with an axe and profit.
  6. piru

    How long does a door stay open?

    Until the server restarts.
  7. This thread is epic. Wish I'd bump into something this intresting on the beach instead of people just "fisting" eachother. I can see this was a problem if this was happening on every server on every spawn all the time, but geesh... DayZ seems to be turning into DayC(ry). If even half of those 55 killed would've sprinted and zigzaged, some of them would've escaped and the "medical team" would've been on their way to balota to resupply a long time ago.
  8. piru

    Use the Bipods on ledges

    Weapon resting in general should be added, not just for bipods. It's been done in arma 2-3 mods so should be plausible.
  9. piru

    Deeper character creation

    And we have playerbase of 100% midgets running around in cherna for the smaller hitbox. <_<
  10. piru


    No. Not now. Not ever. There's enough rpg's with random number generators. The only 'skill' should be the player himself.
  11. piru

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Atleast when I was in the defence force most people with absolutely no prior experience with guns(me included) were hitting a mans chest sized target constantly with their 10 very first shots at 150meters from a prone position if the sights were even remotely correct using an Rk62 and iron sights. Its not rocket science realy. After the initial 3x10 round adjustments you actually could get decent groupings in the middle(ish). Now if you by average joe mean someone who tries to go all John Woo maybe then...
  12. piru

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    You mean you don't want gun simulator 3000. You want band camp 3000 where you can pretend you're surviving around a camp fire it seems since you don't want the guns to actually hit for shit? Even if i didn't have the tools at that moment i could go take a a bunch shots and learn which way the zeroing was off and use that to my advantage till i can it done properly. The page/up down accounts for quick range elevation change. Not the initial sight adjustment anyone actually trying to hit anything at range would do.
  13. piru

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Guns should be accurate as guns are accurate even if the user is not, they don't just randomly shoot in the opposite direction the last shot went. Make the sights actually adjustable (now that would be sweet), add sway and adjust the recoil and give us back accuracy. Please! Adjustable sights? You dont need to simulate anything then. You just need to learn and adjust your gun like in reality every time you pick a new one. Not this random bs.
  14. piru

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    The map is there to distract tourist while we sneak up on them. Its much easier when they try to juggle 4 maps and figure out where they are. Just wait till they add wind effects!