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Posts posted by Kingllama

  1. When i'm frapsing how do i add my microphone to the record with game volume also? I'm uploading a video as we speak with only game sound but what should i do when i want to do a commentary to it.

  2. What kind of zombies are we dealing with?

    Are they dead and have came back from it?

    Are they humans infected with a virus related to 28 days later rage virus?

    Are they from a chemical spill or chemical gas leak from a military base?

    Why do they run so fast?

    I'm very curious about this like alot of people. I don't know if rocket or anyone has talked about. I'm not that stalkerish to go through all of rockets post to check......lol.

    Anyone else have any theories?

  3. Think of the game as the zombies just start coming within a months time. I feel as if the buildings are still pretty new to the apocalypse. It's not to the point of mother nature and man taking over and destroying majority of the buildings.

  4. So i was with a group.....then we thought it would be good to go into elektro on us2 and we went into town and for some reason the sound didn't work correctly. Then i ressed again and went out on foot by myself sticking to the shores.

    Some buildings i saw in the distance as i camped upstairs on the building.

    Just thought it was a Erie feeling knowing people couple hundred meters are away are fighting for their life.

    Gives it a feel of being in a on going movie.

    I recorded a hour of footage to find out the sound didn't work.....So i took a couple pictures.

  5. Actually i'm one of those new players and i play the game like its suppose to be played. WITH CAUTION. People are so stupid and don't think twice about shooting people in a game....It's a big argument but its so normal for people to act this way.
