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Posts posted by Kingllama

  1. It's been a long time since i've played and could play it on my old computer which was a i3 550 with a 560ti and 8 gigs of ram.

    My new computer is a i7 4770k with 8 gigs of ram and a 760. I also am on windows 8.1 now.


    These are some of the errors i'd get from arma when in the game itself or loading it up.


    naMisc_fix_str requires addon 'CAstructureshouse_A_Office01'
    cannot load texture ca\wheeled2\data
    cannot open ca\roads2



    I also did the netsh winsock reset and also set the launch options. I even redownloaded arma 2 and arma 2 OA to correctly boot them up. Now I am also trying to reinstall arma 2 OA just to try this and see if it is the arma 2 OA that is corrupt.


    What else could be the problem?

  2. I missed probably my favorite new "win" of the day, which was getting a working pistol holster into the game (chest holster). That was a high point, and allows us to do "proxy in proxy" enabling us to put slots on backpacks to further extend the carrying capacity of survivors (i.e. two melee item slots on the outside of backpacks).

    Do the weapons show when carrying them? Like Dayz Mod?

  3. Legend says that the Holy Book holds some sort of mystifying power that can absorb the life energy of bambis. The only known way to prevent this from happening is to have some fresh bacon to let the book know that you're a badass, and not a mere fresh spawn.

    This makes the book succumb to your will, and allows you to control it's power to kill innocent fresh spawns simply by making them touch it.

    Thank you for the smile this gave me.

  4. So I just got a decent video card to run Arma again and since my other crapped out I can play again.

    I was wondering what are some good servers that start you out rough and you have to scavenge. I joined a couple servers last night and they equipped me with items I never looted and started me out with all this nice stuff. I was alittle confused on wtf was going and realized it was player made servers handing care-bear packages out.

    I played this game for the excitement and annoyance of scavenging and getting gun downed.

    It seems the player made servers are catering to the people who cry and whine about starting with just a can of beans and a bandage.

    But my tl-dr version.

    What are some good servers with rough rules that have 8 Pacific day time if atleast that. I'm fine with playing in the dark also.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1

  5. Here is my set up!

    gtx 550 ti

    i3 550 3.20ghz

    4 gig of 1333mhz pny ram


    ASUS P7H55-M Pro Intel H55 Socket LGA1156 MB

    Seagate 1TB LP Serial ATA HD 5900/32MB/SATA-3G

    So without the video card the comp boots perfectly fine. Plug in the video card the bios has lines in it and the windows xp loading screen is clear of lines, Then it restarts and does it over and over again.

    I sent the motherboard back,bought new ram last night, sent the video card back twice, the power supply hasn't been checked or cpu but I don't know if it is that though. I'm going to try and clean sweep the old drivers and reinstall new ones and update the bios also to see if it fixes anything.

    But what I am asking is if What i do isn't enough to fix what could it be?

  6. Life has been throwing me a lot of curve balls lately. Lost my apartment almost homeless. Lived I'm a garage for 3 months and moved to 250 miles to get a job and move I'm with my girlfriend. I'm actually now

    Settled down and have a great job and money to fix my fucking computer which has been

    Broken for the last year or so. Now it's time to kill some zeds and people that get in my way of living. I can't wait to play I think the last time I played was in the 1.5's. I'm excited to play again maybe get some footage also!

    • Like 3

  7. Why so quiet, Rocket?

    Kju (ArmA legend and DayZ team member) made a good point that I should really say something, linking me to the points made in http://dayzmod.com/f...-under-the-tree - So here I'm going to just sort of give a literal off the cuff not-announcement.

    I'd taken a deliberate step away from the spotlight, particularly given the scandals that have gone on with things with the WarZ. I won't dwell on this issue, only to say that while gamers can tell the difference between the two products - many people can't and it became quite unpleasant for me when I became approached both in real-life and through the internet associating me with the War Z.

    Meanwhile, development continued at an even greater pace with the entire project beginning to gel even more than before. I won't give any specifics here, I think the specifics should come with something that you can actually see/play and that will make much more sense. I'm currently in an airport lounge in Sydney, on the long journey back to the Czech Republic.

    The year 2012

    I can't really even begin to summarize what that year has been for Bohemia, the project, or for me - so I won't try. What I will do is thank everyone for being involved, for making something really amazing out of the idea I started with. There are thousands of people who have and are now directly involved in developing the mod, and it's really amazing for us all to see the wonderful user created content etc coming out. So thank you, to everyone. Because of everyone's support we're now "living the dream" and turning this basic idea into its own game. In fact, we've gone even further than I could ever have hoped... we're not only making the game, we're redoing the engine specifically for the game

    Where is the game? Where is the Tumblr post?

    Obviously they aren't there yet and I promised that. I also promised more contact, and then I disappeared off the face of the Earth. Now isn't really the time to get into all that, so all I am going to do is say that on all those account I failed and I'll deal to those in good time.

    I'm really sorry that on those three counts I've failed, hopefully in time the reasons will all make some sense and the end product will justify all the madness of this year. Now is not the time for me to rush out a tumblr update, nor rush out a build. Both of those will, for the moment, need to wait - and both mean I didn't do what I said I would.

    So... 2013?

    Let me just say this:

    Every progressive day during December, I have gotten more and more excited about the Standalone and it's potential. Each day the whole team is seeing the strength of the development and we're very pleased with how it has been progressing.

    Thank you everyone for your support, and particularly, for your patience. Also a big thank you and shout out to the forum mods for their hard work.

    We love you and i'm not worried about it. We got time.

  8. To be honest my video card slot on my motherboard has died and I havn't been able to play so i've been watching videos and videos are just as fun for me as playing the game which is very rare for me. To actually be interested in someone else.

    Do you remember the scene from dawn of the dead 2004 version where they saw a helicopter in the sky and was waving it down. Well I had that happen once and I literally fell inlove with the game cause you make your own movie each life.

  9. Dayz is still being worked on if anything. The more rocket doesn't post means the more he is working on the game. The game arma 2 is amazing in and of itself so dont worry about losing any money cause arma 2 is fun just byself if you like shooter games. Dayz just adds to the amazingness.

  10. This is complete bullshit. I'm pretty upset. everytime i play this game i get this damn graphic mess up. Please rocket fix this or whoever can. I paid 30 bucks for a mod and don't pull that damn card that arma 2 is there also you can play that. I got this to play the zombie game.
