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Everything posted by Kingllama

  1. I have my first dayz dream. I've playing that much it has jumped in my dreams. Anyone else have any that they want to share? It started out with me,my mom, my sister, and my girlfriend packing up to get to a hill to grab more supplies. After we got to the hill me and my mom started arguing on what we should do. Since i knew what to do in the sense i had a good plan. She actually listened which was a first. That is how i first knew it was a dream. So we traveled down the highway as we see other families with the cars packed speeding down the road. We saw a lot of cars crashed due to driving too fast. We got to where we use to live, so i went to go scavenge for us. I was crouched majority of the time. The zombies weren't like dayz they were slow and parts of them could be missing and they'd still try to walk around. So as i look around i saw a zombies body laying on the ground and the head about five feet in front of it still trying to move even though its jaw was just making the biting motion. So i kept staying crouched through whole area. I found nothing so i went back to the car. We started to drive again down the road and we saw a camp of people grouping together but open to the world. No defense in any part of the camp everyone was just chatting away. Some were talking about how the news was saying that you should stay in your homes and lock everything and others were arguing about how not too stay in there homes. It was a pretty rowdy crowd of people banded together into one spot. So we found some chairs and got comfortable and introduced ourselves to the group. I was asking the people were we sitting with why is there no defense or any type of barrier of any sort. They said, the people here don't think we need it. I asked why and they told us that they just think its some kind of problem that the army will fix up quick and easy. I told them it's not going to be. I asked if any of them have been inland to the city area like i did when i went scavenging. No one went inland ever. They stuck to the trees and stayed together in a group. So i told them what i saw and they didn't believe me. Then i woke up to the sound of pounding on my damn door. [sorry for bad grammar or punctuation] I literally woke up and talked to my dad which was at the door and tried to write this half asleep.
  2. Kingllama

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    It seems i'm a victim of this also. Is there something running in the background dayz that is making us lag.
  3. Kingllama

    When playing arma 2?

    When playing arma 2 with low settings i lagged for some reason. I have a i3 550 dual core,550ti geforce, and 4 gigs ram, and a good mother board and enough space to hold the game. What should i do to make it run smoother?
  4. Kingllama

    Winny changes

    Thats maybe why i tried to fight a normal survivor and got owned.
  5. Kingllama

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Thanks man. I don't know how to feel about the winchester? Does it match the shot gun sound now or what?
  6. Kingllama

    How do you?

    How do you change your ingame char name? For some reason it chose my first name alex somehow.....even though i never put it in.
  7. Kingllama

    How do you?

    So is there anyway or does it make a new char cause i dont want to lose my stuff on my char.
  8. Kingllama

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    Fixed the hdr setting in advance. Turn it up to very high it helps and makes it more like a realistic night.
  9. Waiting for server response been waiting 5 minutes each time before i disconnect and reconnect. I don't know why it's not letting me on any more.
  10. Mine was sunset on the beach close to kamaysov just minding my own business running around like no one was going to shoot me then bam i hear a yell i stop and look around i see three. I RUN and shit brick houses on the way out. I think i might of left a city behind.....
  11. Kingllama

    Lying in side channel?

    I'm very honest so if i kill someone i tell them why.
  12. Kingllama

    Long term survival is pointless

    I stay at the coast because i feel i'm safer and i know what i am doing. My char hasn't died within a day so i'm doing okay i have a good amount of ammo for both guns!
  13. Kingllama

    28 DayZ later

    Amusing man. Good stuff. You guys had to deal with alot of zombies.
  14. Anyone here that is a clan or a group of survivors play on us2? I feel as if that is my home cause it's most synced to my time zone plus i remember some of the regulars and things of that nature. i'm a lone wolf but i'm lookin' for a wolf pack. I have voice coms. I do like to roleplay also. That sounds weird but at the same time, correct.
  15. Kingllama

    Buddy committed suicide.

    Thats pretty strange. But amusing.
  16. Kingllama

    DayZ Radio Show (TWITCH.TV)

    I'll check it out also!
  17. Kingllama

    Zed's more lifelike on three screens

    Holy crap that is a expensive set up.
  18. Kingllama

    Are we feeling Patchy today?

    Well today is the most people on the forum so it might be the most people on the server also. This game is still not done growing. So i don't think he wants to patch just yet. He likes too patch it whens it low on people.
  19. Kingllama

    Dayz-is it worth it

    I never played arma 2 before. I bought the game i havn't really played anything else lately. So yes its worth every penny.
  20. Kingllama

    Will familiarity kill this mod?

    I don't think it will kill due to what the players choose to play like. I'm going the route of not using maps of other players out of game unless it's a blank map like the one ingame.
  21. Kingllama

    [Guide] Seeing at night

    I'm sorry but i've been in a situation where the power was out for more then 12 hours and i lived in a city area it isn't completely pitch like it is ingame. It has more light and i had the ability to see. But in buildings it was pitch black.
  22. Kingllama

    Feature Wishlits

    I think rocket understands that the game is suppose to be hardcore not easy mode. It's about making it a realistic experience if there was a zombie apocalypse.
  23. Kingllama

    [Guide] Seeing at night

    Thank you so much. Yea i'd be scavenging if anything at night if the moon was out but if not i'll camp at a spot for a night.
  24. Kingllama

    HA - Taking down a four man squad - Video

    That was pretty good use of stealth.
  25. Kingllama

    DayZ Memes

    These are amazing!