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Everything posted by Kingllama

  1. This is what it says. I'm running dayz and patch 950
  2. So i've re-installed and deleted all the files attached i thought for arma 2 CO. Reinstalled dayz from scratch and then updated arma 2 itself to the new patches and they don't really apply to arma 2 i'm stuck at 1.60.8 What should i do?
  3. Kingllama

    Arma 2 update problem

    Does anyone know the problem yet? I really would like to play.
  4. If anything buy day z so you can understand why it has the hype it does. It's well worth it just don't turn into a KOSing asshat.
  5. I do that but it still gives me a battle eye isn't working error.
  6. Got the same thing. I've been a normal player for awhile where is rocket or anyone to help us with this annoying problem?
  7. Kingllama

    Once I download ARMA 2, are there any

    You only need arma 2 co cause it comes with arma 2 and arma 2 arrow head exp. You will have to update constantly for dayz which is big problem because the game is worth it. You might want to update the game itself with the arma 2 beta patches but look around the forum to make sure which patch is everyone is using.
  8. Kingllama

    US 45 sniped out of a heli

    You get a video??? I WANT TO see it crash.
  9. So i updated arma 2 oa to 94945 and dayz too I'm joining the correct servers but it still says waiting on host. What should i do? I got a bad serial number also one time and then a wrong cd key when trying to revert to a older patch.
  10. Kingllama

    Last night I killed a man.

    I had a awesome time reading that it made me want to play.
  11. The aren't zombies they are infected. Ask Rocket.
  12. Kingllama

    "please stop dragging me, thank you"

    Could be a admin or something?
  13. Kingllama

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Make things louder with fog. It will also give a scary feeling to us player even when the game is already intense enough we need more!
  14. Kingllama

    Cut-throat game

    It's very cut throat that the best part too me about it. I like to stay around the coast.
  15. Kingllama

    Gang Wars (Seperate skins)

    Rocker said he'll be adding arm bands for factions some day.
  16. Kingllama

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Lottery sounds nice. Ya those too!
  17. Do you guys think that the cities don't really look destroyed enough for a zombie apocalypse? I feel like sometimes they do if the zombie apocalypse was like a couple days old you know. What do you guys feel about it?
  18. Kingllama

    Do you guys think?

    Well i'd assume they would be damaged due to the fact people barricading would cause damage when zombies attacked. I feel as if the people who were alive would create most of the damage. The satchel charges don't take down buildings from what i've tested or the rpg.
  19. Kingllama

    HORRIBLE Experience

    When you click filter type that should clear out all the others servers.
  20. Kingllama

    DayZ Live Stream Test

    I'm watching you also. I see you are in kemenka
  21. Kingllama

    Can someone upload 1.7.1

  22. Kingllama

    93 zombies in supermarket

    Lol yea he counted at a certain number just added from there on up.
  23. Kingllama

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thank you for fixing this. You are one of the best mod devs out here.