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About Ageati

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  1. Aww fantastic bug. It has me shit scared and on edge. Just like a low blood survivor alone in the forest would be.
  2. So, I'm in the middle of a forest. I'm low on blood but that's ok. I'm sated with plenty of food and water to keep me regenerating, but the zombies... I can still hear them. I don't see them but I can hear them, right next to me.... So is this part of a game but a very (fantastically enriching) glitch? Report: Hallucinations include zombies screaming, food being eaten close by, gunshots sometime....
  3. Its NEVER been daytime only.... been a reg player at the server.
  4. Name: Luka Age: 16 Steam: Ageati In game name: (Varies due to spying,) If not spying or scouting then usually Luka Desired combat role (Medic,sniper, exc) I prefer to play offensive support (sniping, spotting and machine gun overwatch), Designated driver and engineer, or a spy role (bandit camp infiltration and assassination) Tis why I have a driving record as a getaway driver :) Why you would like to join: Well Day Z has become a pretty typical cycle, even a flow chart if you will. Spawn, scavenge items, find a group. From that point its either things go smoothly, we all get somewhere then everyone logs, the group disbands and we all continue to our sealed fates from their, or there is a bandit in the group who after a while kills everyone. I don't want that anymore, I want to be part of a solid community, where my role matters and betters everyone survival chances, I'm looking for friends in Day Z not just allies, and most of all, I wanna kick some bandit arse as part of a team (counter sniping 3-4 bandit snipers can be hard :) I might not be as experienced only having the game a few weeks but I am a quick learner and willing to bend my role in the community to support the community. I know what to do and when to do it. I have experience playing many team games of which most are FPS based and some are in real life (Paintball and Airsoft :) ) I hope you will consider me for the Green Mountains :) What can you offer to the clan: A Risk taker who's willing to try the hardest and do the impossible for everyones benefit, a vehicle fixer, a decent driver, a decent hunter and most importantly a good sense of humour :P I have both Skype and Teamspeak :) edit- Font didn't work :P
  5. Ageati

    New GB Team - DayZ GB Friends

    Sign me up, would enjoy playing with fellow Brits Skype: luka_knezevic (ignore the pic its from years ago and I never changed it) Steam: Ageati
  6. Ageati

    Looking for Serbian players?

    I ja sam srbin (zivim u englesku pa izvini ako mi srpski nije dobar :D ) Ja sam isto za!