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About coespost

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    On the Coast
  1. coespost

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Looked over the 1.11 changelog. Hackers have been prolific in the public official servers lately. Are there any changes in the codebase to address the exploits that have made official servers fairly unplayable? If not, are there any plans to address these exploits?
  2. Hello, On the DayZ discord, I wanted to get feedback from the developers based on the widespread use of hacks lately on the official servers. I posted a video which showed how ridiculous these hacks are now (player vision, item vision, and magic bullets). I was banned from the discord this morning for "posting download links to DayZ hacks." I'm so confused right now, because it was just a video from youtube. Why would you ban, claiming downloads, when all I posted was a youtube video? Can I please get someone from Bohemia to undo the ban - all I'm trying to do is get feedback from developers on how they're seeking to improve the game to reduce hacking. (to clarify, I posted on the discord under the Official Servers channel)
  3. coespost

    Random Respawns

    Yeah, can we confirm that this is a hacker. I have had this happen on every server I've joined today (a US00 server and Chicago47). On one of the servers, everyone teleported to the ocean before teleporting 10 or so minutes later to land.