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About Benvodski

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Benvodski

    To the ARIA camp

    Impressive metagaming :) I'm sure having done the research you have done you've worked out that we are part of our own clan and nothing to do with the DIU guys, who I see are back on your server tonight. I don't really trust them either after the spat on your forum so we'll be avoiding it whilst they are on. Been killed by enough hackers to steer well clear. We'll be seeing you for a legit and fun war at some point though :)
  2. Wow, thanks for that guys. I bit the bullet and just committed suicide on an overcast night server. I managed to get back to my corpse and loot it. Thanks again for the help.
  3. Hi all, In a bit of a pickle and hoping I can get some help. I was playing a game and was far up north when all of a sudden, me and my friends were teleported to the roof of the hotel in cherno along with everyone else on the server, I exited quickly hoping it wouldn't save my position but it did. I'm now stuck with no way to get down. The problem is, I've got some nice gear that I've never had before and I don't really want to lose it (only had it for 5 mins) by some arsehole hacker. Is there anything I can do to get down? I read somewhere there is a server that can teleport your char form the wilderness when you experience that bug, can they help me? Is there anything else I can do? Thanks for any help you can give.