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MrBrown (DayZ)

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Everything posted by MrBrown (DayZ)

  1. As I outlined above, there are better ways to avoid 180° quick-turn-headshots than using this stupid negative acceleration!
  2. No, there are no valid "realism" arguments for mouse acceleration, see my posting above. In reality my muscle memory works properly too, so there's no reason why it should be forcefully confused with mouse acceleration in the game.
  3. The "I won't buy if..." part of the OP is stupid, but there is really NO freaking excuse for having forced mouse acceleration in a shooter nowadays. Getting unaccelerated mouse information from Windows without any of the so-called "pointer ballistics" (which includes acceleration) is a piece of cake via "raw input" (for any technically interested people, see here: http://msdn.microsof...3(v=vs.85).aspx), and there's no valid reason to let your engine ruin that perfect mouse input you can get from Windows. Mouse acceleration means: If you move your mouse QUICKLY over a fixed distance like 20cm, then your character will turn more degrees than moving the mouse SLOWLY over the same 20cm distance. With "negative mouse acceleration" it's the other way around. So without mouse acceleration, the speed at which you move your mouse does not matter at all, only the distance - and that's exactly how it should be. Mouse acceleration is nothing but an old relic for mechanical mice, because at high speeds the ball inside the mouse could "slip" over the mouse pad, and the acceleration tried to compensate that. Still some types of low-sens gamers seem to prefer mouse acceleration nevertheless, and I have no problem with optional mouse acceleration. But at the core of the input system of the game engine there should be the option of perfect linear unaccelerated mouse motion. If the devs want to limit the speed people can turn at for realism, it should just be done by hard-limiting the turn speed, NOT by applying negative acceleration. If you try to turn quickly then, it would feel like negative acceleration, but below the threshold you would still have linear, unaccelerated movement, which is the important thing. Seriously...?? From the OP:
  4. Good arguments why the return of bandit skins was a good first step and why we need more mechanics to encourage cooperation.
  5. MrBrown (DayZ)


    P.S.: Proxy link for the Germans ;) http://theyoutubepro...I&b=2&f=norefer
  6. MrBrown (DayZ)

    I am the manhunter.

    Because he's SO HARDCORE!!!11
  7. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    AFAIK this is just a bug, if you log out and in again your humanity should be back to normal IIRC.
  8. MrBrown (DayZ)

    New DayZ Wiki Interactive Loot Map and Database

    @peetgamer: So hardcore! But remember, the really cool players use a Neuralyser to clear their memory each time their character dies!
  9. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Why didnt anyone tell me!

    So surviving without blood bags (and the involved cooperation) is EVEN easier than I thought, huh?
  10. To be honest I'm more concerned about the hatchet being to powerful when it comes to thinking about how to buff the zombies a bit.
  11. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Will tents ever be fixed?

    IMPOSSIBRU! (Not sayin' you're lying, just that you're incredibly lucky ^^)
  12. MrBrown (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I think I understand what you mean. But complex animations/physics systems like "Euphoria" or any other form of ragdolls are basically just eye candy on the client side / in single player games. With current technology it's not possible to synchronize physics on that detail level across a multiplayer server with 40 or even more players. IMHO you can never completely avoid small clipping issues (like your gun slightly clipping into a door), and it's not worth wasting the time doing so. Even if you succeed, you create a very clunky experience because of the lack of body awareness, you don't FEEL the force blocking your gun, you just think "WTF, why doesn't my character turn?"
  13. MrBrown (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I don't know any commercial game where these problems are solved by using real ragdolls. All shooters I know use a simple upright capsule to represent the player for movement purposes, the more complex hitboxes are only used for hit detection. Real ragdolls are only used when you die. Why? Because it sucks if you cannot turn from a gameplay perspective, period, nothing to discuss here. You cannot draw the "realism" card in this context because of the total lack of body awareness from the player's point of view (that's also why I prefer 3rd person servers). So a capsule is perfect because no obstacle can stop it from turning around it's up-axis. There are a few exceptions, like not being able to turn in close quarters when prone, I agree that's better than feet sticking through walls (Battlefield-style) but you need no real ragdoll setup to avoid that. And about "enemy movement", I don't understand the problem. If you want the ragdoll to influence the movement, you need some really advanced animation system like "Euphoria" which most people know from GTA IV. But there are a lot of games with proper movement without such complex systems. But as I don't understand your problem with "enemy movement" I don't know which aspects you'd like to see improved, so I can't say much more about this.
  14. MrBrown (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Can you give some examples of the problems you think are being caused by the lack of ragdolls?
  15. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Protip: How to Auto-Run (Steam Users)

    I hope that BattlEye will ban or at least kick for AHK. It can be abused in too many ways, it's just not worth checking the macro scripts in detail, just blacklist the whole tool and save BattleEye's resources to fight the real cheaters!
  16. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Instanced building will ruin Dayz...

    Well, but I really hope the server system won't just stay as it is now. It's not as if the inability to create player-controlled bases is the only problem caused by server hopping.
  17. MrBrown (DayZ)

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Tell us more about how Day Z exclusive bugs are the fault of the core ArmA II engine.
  18. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    Sorry, but "If you can't beat them, join them" has always been, is, and will always be a very stupid and egoistic argument when it comes to cheats and exploits.
  19. MrBrown (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Because the mod already has over 1.000.000 unique players. It would be plan stupid to waste that momentum by creating a gap of several months between the last Day Z mod update and the first standalone alpha version.
  20. I'd really like to see them using PunkBuster.
  21. MrBrown (DayZ)

    In game GPS

    LOL, epic, gotta bookmark this for similar discussions :P
  22. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Abtibiotics for trade?

    AFAIK your blood will only be drained down to 6.000 and your character is coughing all the time. But you don't just die. Or do you? (I'm not an expert on this)
  23. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Tents in

    So basically you're saying, on the FIRST server restart after the tent was pitched, it will "eat" your items, but after that it will work fine? Gotta try that...
  24. MrBrown (DayZ)

    Dayz Tent Bugs, Items disappear on server restart

    Is the problem still that bug if your tent ID is bigger than one million? Set up a tent yesterday, saved it, server restarted over night, tomorrow morning the tent was empty. It's rather unlikely (but not impossible) that it was found and plundered that quickly.
  25. Yeah that's correct. Perhaps it's just the way Bethesda is using the engine, and not the engine itself. My bottom line is, I know no game released for Gamebryo, Unreal or CryEngine which has such huge maps and view distances without loading zones, that's why it currently seems to me as if the ArmA engine would be the best choice.