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About xannidel

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    On the Coast
  1. I recently purcased the ARMA II CO via Steam and I can run both individually but when I right click on Operation Arrowhead to run Combined Operations there will be a small black window full of text and then when that goes away nothing else happens. I have tried restarting both steam and my computer to see if that would work but it has not. Note this is my second time installing Operation Arrowhead because the first time I tried to run the game there was some issue with the BattleEye program but reinstalling it seemed to have fixed that issue. Has anyone else had this issue?
  2. xannidel

    [VIDEO GUIDE] Installation & Tutorial (+BETA)

    I was following the video and when I got to around 2:30 of the video I cannot run ARMA II: Combined Operations for some reason. When I right click and run it there is a small black window with text and then it goes away and that is it. I have tried restarting both Steam and my computer in hopes that it would work afterwards but it still has not. Is there something that I am missing?