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Bandit Hunter

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Everything posted by Bandit Hunter

  1. There are actually a ton of members who watch the suggestions forum, including most active members who hold weight. Rocket checks there for suggestions, not here. Anyway, as it is a cow already gives up more meat than most people can carry by themselves along with they're other goods, so I don't see how fattening them up is necessarily needed. I often find a goat near a cow, ect, as well. I think it'd be cool to have animals that roam, but the forest trigger might be difficult and unnecessary.
  2. Bandit Hunter

    How come players can 1-hit kill me, but I can't?

    Hows your connection, lag wise?
  3. Bandit Hunter

    How to repair bus?

    I've heard people with problems. Have you tried opening the gear menu and right clicking the items near the bus?
  4. Bandit Hunter

    Dayz merchandise?

    Theres an official shirt design thread in Announcements section, and it look similar, go vote!
  5. Bandit Hunter

    Keep the "sandbox" feeling !

    In Rocket's interviews, it seems he has the same viewpoint as you. He also considers it more of an experiment than a game. I would not worry about "easyfication" anytime soon.
  6. Bandit Hunter

    "Are You Sure?"

    There is actually a search field at the bottom right of the screen, try entering it there when in the suggestion forum. More people may read general, but Rocket goes to the suggestion forum when hes looking for suggestions.
  7. Bandit Hunter

    Please remove the flashing screen from game

    I don't recall any rhythmic flashing in DayZ. I know of the loss in saturation when losing blood, the hourglass, ect.. but haven't experienced any epileptic flashing.
  8. Bandit Hunter

    "Are You Sure?"

    There is an active suggestion in the "Suggestions" subforum about this exact thing, though it may have fallen to the second page. Search for it there and push it back to the top. I also agree, for the record. PS: Don't let your loss of gear push you away from DayZ if you enjoy it. Losing high end things is a fact of life, and crossbows are actually fairly common. Keep at it.
  9. Bandit Hunter

    Thoughts and Suggestions

    1. There is already a huge discussion on the dark nights in the pinned section. It is unlikely to be changed. I personally prefer it, and don't agree with the "unplayable" mentality. If Rocket changes anything about what items we spawn with, it'll likely be by giving us even less than we already have. More so it is VERY unlikely we would ever spawn with NVG's, which are already exceptionally rare. Most players have never even seen them, and many of the few who HAVE seen them, usually took them off another's body. Loot-generated NVG's are the holy grail. 2. Matches are available pretty frequently, I pass boxes all the time, possibly you are having bad luck? Again, if Rocket changes anything about what items we spawn with, it'll likely be by giving us even less than we already have. 3. Temperature has been pretty stabilized. Being indoors, by a fire, running, or in sunlight raises it. Wind, water, rain, darkness brings it back down. Since the released hotfix, I have had no issues with temperature, it seems quite natural and fluid. 4. Non-electric bikes have been suggested, and are possibility in the future.. possibly. There is an entire forum dedicated to suggestions if you'd like to make your own.
  10. Bandit Hunter

    An extra state for zed - investigate

    I suppose you've never fired a long rifle or assault rifle in a built up area, because the Zed's audio detection radius is monumental already. I agree, it'd be nice to have an "investigate" stage upon audio detection, instead of an immediate GPS tracking Zed.
  11. Bandit Hunter

    Swimming adjustment

    Its a mechanic to add additional weight to the do or do not decision making process. Though losing things sucks when your simply grabbing some water.
  12. Bandit Hunter

    You there. With that unfair advantage. You are CHEATING!

    So, in the same way its cheating to have beforehand knowledge of Chernarus because you've been playing for a year? Is it cheating to use the editor to fly around in a helicopter and see what the ridgelines look like? Is it cheating to understand using the stars for navigation, because the game doesn't tell you how, or that you can? I don't play world of warcraft or EVE online, but i'm sure nobody is punished for using an out-of-game navigation aid. Nor, any other MMO or online game. EVERYBODY who is playing DayZ has access to the internet, and a PC. EVERYONE can look at a map. Its only an unfair advantage because you refuse to use it. I have an in game map, and DON'T use it. I use my steam browser to pull up a map with both the local and English names of towns.
  13. Bandit Hunter

    Blue, I'm so sorry.

    Who's blue?
  14. Bandit Hunter

    I found a Radio

  15. Bandit Hunter

    Do people in this mod ever trade?

    Update: Had a successful trade earlier. Food and water for medicine. Felt pretty good. I held a covered position, and guided the person by landmark to the area. We traded by placing items in each others backpacks. He was a complete stranger.
  16. Bandit Hunter

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Yip skip dippity dip, thanks for the updates rocketman
  17. Bandit Hunter

    Keeping things on death...

    That would go against the cardinal idea of the mod. Its not about the stats in the first place.
  18. Bandit Hunter

    Scare Crows posts- A warning Device

  19. Bandit Hunter

    Choosing your spawn

    Well, as for "deathmatch bandits," Theres about 100km of coastline to spawn on, the odds are low of meeting one of these mythical bandits that I personally have never seen. That is, of course, if you move OFF the coast within a few minuets of spawning. Running up and down the coast is different, and defeats the purpose of choosing your spawn in the first place.
  20. Bandit Hunter

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    Congratulations on your cowardly ambush on a landed helicopters crew. Shot it down with words, words are stronger than a sword and all.
  21. Bandit Hunter

    "People Don't Want Day Z"

    Are you praising the success of DayZ in its raw form?