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Bandit Hunter

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Everything posted by Bandit Hunter

  1. Bandit Hunter

    Casual Countryside Drive

    I remember back in Bosnia when I took a similar countryside drive. Bandit included. "Stuck in the miiidlle with youuuu"
  2. Bandit Hunter

    Carebear Brainstorming Thread

  3. Bandit Hunter

    I found this on Ohio 2

    A plane! A plane! Everyone, a plane! *boom.* Well. Rescue was a nice thought. Back to surviving.
  4. If you're using the second CD key to play a second character, there is absolutely nothing wrong, I imagine. Using it as an exploit in some way, by playing at the same time would likely not be OK.
  5. Bandit Hunter

    Let friends spawn together

    One mans problem is another mans feature. This has been suggested a hundred times, and i've voted no each time. They don't NEED a way to spawn together in a fast manner. I've never happened to wash up on the beach with my best friend in real life (assuming thats how we got here in the first place..)
  6. Bandit Hunter

    Group Incentive

    Why are you assuming Rocket is looking for an incentive to group play? He didn't list it as an expected feature. If you can set up a group, more power to you, thats how the mod works.
  7. Bandit Hunter

    Carebear Brainstorming Thread

    You're coming up with solutions to a non-existent problem. Read Rocket's interviews/forum posts to understand his view on the matter.
  8. Bandit Hunter


    The first thing i'd do if I washed up on a beach with a Makarov, a tin of beans, and a lot of bad things looming around, would be to rip my ID of identifying features off. I'd love to see the chat system reworked, though, and in fact I believe it IS being worked on. There are some good suggestions floating around here.
  9. Bandit Hunter

    FORUM: Signatures.

    Not sure who's acting admin of the forum, Rocket, Griff, ect, but would it be too difficult to add a line break between post and signature? Example or a simple ----------------------------------------- Thanks. Current setup throws my English language reading abilities askew.
  10. Bandit Hunter

    FORUM: Signatures.

    I'm slightly behind it.
  11. Bandit Hunter

    Team of Six

    Laughing out loud.
  12. Bandit Hunter

    Disabling weapons of another player

    If i'm close enough to disarm you of you're main gun, i'm going to take your backup weapons too.
  13. Bandit Hunter

    Make decision making more complicated.

    Everyone is naming a solution to a problem that does not exist. Rocket has all but stated, if this is the route the social experiment is taking, so be it. He is not going to alter anything to force anyone to play the game in a different manner. He doesn't consider this "shoot first" mentality a problem. I hate to look like i'm speaking for him, and if he doesn't feel this way i'll stand corrected. I'm simply basing this fact on his own posts. I personally have not experienced this "problem" in the slightest, despite what that the forum population would have me think. In DayZ, the only way you're going to change this behavior, is to get in game and stop it. Find a bunch of fellow players on the Forum, set up a police force. In Baltimore, Maryland, the murder rate isn't going down because God implements a mechanic that changes the way people consider committing murder.
  14. Bandit Hunter

    Cheat Zombies for bandits.

    Hes saying it works both ways, because a survivor can easily use a lack of spawned Zeds to understand the town is safe, or avoid a town because Zeds are walking around.. I've been much further than 400 meters with Zeds spawning, for the record.
  15. Thats not a downed chopper in the sense that it was shot down in game, its a randomly spawned lootable chopper. Don't know why its not functioning right, Andre. Post it up in the Bugs section.
  16. Bandit Hunter

    Nemesis: A mega-zombie

    Oh, its the nightly "zombies are not dangerous enough" thread. Have you been engaged by a group of zombies lately, without disconnecting to avoid they're aggro?
  17. Bandit Hunter

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    Yep, I moved out a few days ago, in fact.
  18. Bandit Hunter

    Cheat Zombies for bandits.

    I've personally never been able to get close enough to a village to check its Zed population, without triggering it myself. Even with binocs from a great distance.
  19. Bandit Hunter

    Locked Servers??

    Is it one version ahead of
  20. Bandit Hunter

    Hitler reacts to dayz

    This was made for a "meme" topic on this very forum, a few weeks ago.. So, here it is in full circle, I guess.
  21. For multiple characters, or to be played at the same time?
  22. Bandit Hunter

    Disabling weapons of another player

    I'd sooner like to see non-lethal weaponry for the same purpose.
  23. Bandit Hunter

    Zombies Should Run Inside

    They should, but they don't, because they're broken.