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Bandit Hunter

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Everything posted by Bandit Hunter

  1. This is the Survivor HQ, most of us spend 95% of our time surviving, and the other 5% defending against reckless bandits who get giggly when they gun down somebody who has been playing for hours, "just for kicks." I hate to think of how you treat your animals at home. Anyway, maybe you should consider advertising your killing fest to other bandit groups.
  2. Could you translate this to english please? I think whatever he is trying to say roughly translates to this, "Your a bandit now, maybe you would find a happier home around the bandit campfire."
  3. A good idea, and in practice would be a great idea. It would be hard to have it staffed all the time though. Bandits, keep in mind you are not supposed to be spreading your bandit propaganda in the Survivor HQ, same as we are supposed to stay away from the campfire.
  4. I work the same thing, despite my name and goal. We we're all survivors once, but a couple of my 5 man team killed in self defense, and became bandits. They are now the go to guys when a survivor is a threat or, god forbid, something terrible needs to be done.
  5. Bandit Hunter

    Nevrean Stories

    Your a braver man than me, Nev! I stay far away from the airfield, and especially castles. I remember one time being in the area and saying "Hunter, your going to regret this.. your going to regret this, turn back now.. you still can!" Well, I ignored my inner voice and investigated anyway. I made out with a red smoke grenade and a bleeding bullet wound. I had just explained to somebody I only carry 3 bandages on me, I shouldn't need anymore. I ran out of bandages. As I walked, I bled, and eventually passed out on the side of the road. Dead. I shouldn't have gone there. I hope you make it out of the barracks alive, fair better than me, and bring bandages.
  6. Bandit Hunter

    Well. that sucked.

    That does suck. I think more than one player has had the same issue. My best defense against this, is not growing attached to anything. I don't have a goal to find NVG or a nice weapon, a Winchester does me fine. Why? Why stress. The more "nice" things you have, the more you stress about being killed by a bandit. Same goes for vehicles, its perhaps easier to stick with the mid-level equipment and enjoy the game.
  7. Bandit Hunter

    What running from a horde looks like..

    How'd that end?
  8. Bandit Hunter

    Something i noticed..

    I have determined it is based on everyone clicking at the same time. I go in US servers at 4:00am local time, no problem.
  9. 5 days in, 140 kills, best equipment I could find. I had just earlier told somebody there was no reason to carry more than 3 bandages. I bled out on the side of the highway. The end.
  10. Bandit Hunter

    Officially hooked

    Welcome to the cool kids club, it really is great
  11. Bandit Hunter

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Bandit Hunter, in game and here. I like killing Bandits. If I had 25 bullets, was being chased by 24 zombies, and came upon 1 unarmed bandit with a broken leg, I would put 25 bullets in the Bandit's head.
  12. Bandit Hunter

    Nevrean Stories

    I read in entirety, keep posting
  13. Bandit Hunter

    My Condolences

    You say you are honorable, and are there to watch and protect from a distance. Yet you say you will kill in cold blood if it benefits you. How can you come asking for trust, when even the most "honorable" bandit says he will kill you if he feels it will benefit him. All food, ammo, and weaponry can be found in the ruins of the land. Killing for them is why you are a bandit. I do not trust a bandit, even a bandit who's "honorable" words slip off the tongue.
  14. Bandit Hunter

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    The most shocking experience i've had wasn't something i'd seen, but something I did myself and regret. How quickly the world can change. I've been hunting, and been hunted by, bandits as long as i've known what a bandit was. I've guided groups of new players through zombie infested towns before sending them on they're way, assisted lone survivors, and done as much good as I can despite the great risk to my own health, for the sake of my humanity. Today, in the middle of the night, I was walking down the coast. I met a guy named Ed, he was out on an island. We met up, I exchanged greetings with voice and text. I set up a campfire, we hung out there for some 10 minuets. Another survivor comes up, he fires one round, I take him down. Ed helped. I trusted Ed, gave him the spare CZ i'd been hauling in my ALICE pack, we'd been talking the whole time. Than he stops responding to everything I say. I raise him 5 or 6 times in text and speech, no response. He turns to me, his handgun was out (it had been the whole time.) I shoot. Two shots, one in the chest, one in the head. Ed goes down. A minuet later, after re spawning, he finds he was on the wrong chat channel, and his responses we're hidden to me. He'd been responding the whole time. I would have had an ally, a friend, in the wasteland. I gunned him down. I'm no worse than the bandits I hunt. I decide it is best to leave civilization, and I head north.
  15. Bandit Hunter

    The Bandit Hunters

    I'm late to the party here on the forum, but way ahead of you in action. I'm obviously in. No, killing Bandits does not net a humanity loss
  16. Occasionally I wont make it into the lobby, occasionally i'll make it as far as the loading screen before it loads my character, than I get "Connection Failed" error message. Whats great about this is, it actually boots me from the internet. My router gets knocked out, I lose internet to the computer, Xbox, everything connected to the router. This blackout sometimes lasts a couple mins, sometimes a half hour. I'm stuck in a rut, i'm have so much fun when the stars align and i'm actually able to enter a game, but the other 9 times things inside my computer start lighting on fire. Is there any word from anyone, anywhere, that things are being worked on behind the scenes?
  17. Bandit Hunter

    This mod is better NOW then ever before

    I ran into the exact same situation with two other folks. They opened fire, and I enacted a plan I was rehearsing in my head. It was the "shit, ok, nice emeeting you, 180 degrees, RUN" plan.
  18. Bandit Hunter

    Fireplace and tent placement

    I'm sure its not a restriction imposed by the mod developer, likely a technical limitation.
  19. Bandit Hunter

    First 24 hrs ingame.

    Wouldn't mind hooking up with another lone wolf who understands the concept of woodland travel and playing tactically. I've got a task that needs doing. Shoot me a message chief.