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Bandit Hunter

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Everything posted by Bandit Hunter

  1. Bandit Hunter

    Looking for players!

    The best way to find a friend without joining one of the clans/groups here on the forum (find they're threads if that is your choice) is to actually go in game and meet somebody on the coast. If you find a friend, exchange steam names, and keep working together. Despite all the threads by the angry kids on the forum, there actually ARE a LOT of nice people still playing in game, many will work with you.
  2. Bandit Hunter

    Mercy Killing

    In this world, mercy killing isn't worth it. I've had the temptation before. Between the hordes of zombies, lack of ammo, and loss of humanity, its a better choice to watch them go down. Turn away if you have to. At least it shows you have a heart.
  3. I love reading these stories while waiting for server response. Your first day was a lot more eventful than my entire first week. The first thing I noticed was you saying you camped out overnight at the airport. I'd never do that, you never know who else will have logged on or been scavenging around when you wake up. This games great for creating these stories, keep em coming.
  4. Drop to the deck the second you THINK you see somebody approaching, in a forest or anywhere else. Than, use the roll keys to start rolling left or right to the nearest cover, cover being something that can STOP a bullet, not just hide your pretty survivor face. (In a forest? Thick tree) From there, figure out if you can back up even further to different/more substantial cover. If its another scared survivor, they'll likely pass on. Wait, and move on your own way. If its a bandit, prepare for a firefight. Roll, low crawl, low run, and move from cover to concealment and other cover. Try and flank and kill them if possible. If not, use the same techniques to move deeper into the woods to safety. The lower you are, the less chance of a bullet hitting you, simple.
  5. Bandit Hunter

    Newbies, beware the clan NwO

    Fight back.
  6. Bandit Hunter

    DayZ in a nutshell

    Even if you survive, there isn't anything fun to do other then walk around and shoot at zombies and/or the occasional player who has a better gun then you do. Not even core game mechanics to sustain 7100 player base. So don't play!
  7. Bandit Hunter

    Introducing myself...

    I'd be glad to have you around. The difficulty in this game, you'll find, is actually FINDING each other.
  8. Bandit Hunter

    Died twice in a row and its not bandits...

    I've never had any of the bugs, but add fence gates the watch list, i've heard horror stories there too.
  9. Bandit Hunter

    Becoming Friends With Strangers Stories

    I regularly find new players on the coast. They often ask how to get somewhere, and for they're sake and my own, I often walk them where they want to be. Its a great feeling, to find a fast friend in a harsh world.
  10. Bandit Hunter


  11. Bandit Hunter

    First Day in Day Z

    And this is only day 1!
  12. According to Steam, I have 98 hours in ARMAII. Despite this, I still find myself lost more often than not. Here is a simple tip for familiarizing yourself with Chernarus. First and foremost, and unrelated to the tutorial in this topic: Steam users: double tap shift, than continue holding it down. Next, click tab to open the steam menu. Release. Your auto-running forward without holding a key down. Enjoy. Alt-Tab to stop running. Mods: If you consider this an exploit, no harm is intended and it'll be removed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation Tip: Many players know ARMA has a very powerful map editor. In its day, this was a selling point for many. Although its features are endless, you don't even need to understand it to utilize it. This is a tutorial for the huge base of brand new players, attracted by DayZ mod. One: Open the editor, and select the Units tab on the right. Two: Double click anywhere on the map that you think you would recognize. I usually use Balota airfield. Three: Drag down the tabs and select Air. Select any helicopter. This will place you in a helicopter at the location you double clicked. Four: Click Preview on the right. Five: Fly (learn your controls) around Cherno, getting an idea of where things are from above, without any stress. You can use the same steps to place a man or a vehicle on the ground, to more intimately scout out your world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The editor is much more complex, if you find yourself with time it is worth learning. Good luck, and stay alive Survivors! I'll write up some additional tips at a later time.
  13. Bandit Hunter

    Long term survival is pointless

    Caution absolutely leads to safety. It can't help that you are playing at the peak hours. Bandits die as often as survivors, they just don't tend to complain about it because they're willing to murder for our things.
  14. Bandit Hunter

    Navigation Tip - All Players

    If everyone had the patience to understand use of a topographic map and a compass, there wouldn't be a quarter as many new players asking for help. This is a very literal, very user friendly technique for those players. Nothing beats seeing exactly where you are and what the world looks like. Like I said in my post, even I have used this technique to map out exactly what a treeline or ridgeline looks like, ect, without zombies and bandits arriving to assist me. I have spent too many long days working on land nav with the US Military. I'm not writing this tip on the forum so I can easily remember it myself. If you're confident with map and compass navigation, you have an advantage over many players, enjoy utilizing it, and ignore the tip.
  15. Bandit Hunter

    Enlarging the map

    Its a strange world where a 250km map detailed down to the rocks growing under trees, isn't even big enough to satisfy people.
  16. Scars would be nearly impossible to see in nearly all situations, without becoming a lead magnet first. They would also do the exact same thing as the bandit skin, minus ever being useful to survivors looking to gauge intentions. Scars would be difficult to implement using what already exists in ARMA. And to the above post, changing a bit of clothing would just be enhancing the system already being removed.
  17. Starting bandits with better weaponry is the last thing I ever want to see implemented.
  18. Bandit Hunter

    Red Bull (Energy Drink)

    Ill have to agree with Powerthirst
  19. Bandit Hunter

    Noob searching for others

    Check the Survivor HQ and Bandit Camp for groups in need of members. You'll also find plenty of other newbies along the coast once your finally in game. You'll also find some nice bandits who got bored of camping in Call of Duty and moved on to DayZ.
  20. Bandit Hunter

    Bandit list.

    I think it'll be exponentially difficult to keep a running list of bandits anywhere. Along with they're habit of being sub-human, they tend to disconnect in the middle of firefights, switch servers often, and change they're names even more so. Its just a game to them, as mindless as Call of Duty. They'd all leave DayZ if they could run through Call of Duty killing unarmed people with a grenade launcher.
  21. Bandit Hunter

    Mogilevka Wet Trousers

    I guess Lapinko wasn't finished aggravating your group yet. Glad to see you had the heart to work with him despite his problems, your welcome in the Survivor HQ any time.
  22. In case any survivor not part of your group meets you, how do you deal with player encounters? What servers do you tend to patrol?
  23. Bandit Hunter

    Chat box / voice chat

    Click the . and , keys outside of chat, or the up and down arrow with the chat box open, to switch channels. Most people use the SIDE channel, because it highlights text blue.