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Bandit Hunter

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Everything posted by Bandit Hunter

  1. Bandit Hunter

    ACE Mod?

    Note: Installing it will actually keep you from joining DayZ servers, and non ACE servers, at all.
  2. Bandit Hunter

    Question/problem with flare...

    Don't double click at all, it takes a moment from the click to the actual throw animation. If you click twice, you'll throw a second as soon as the first throw animation is done. As for holding it, unlit, in front of you - no you can't. You can throw it, than pick it up and hold it in front of you, lit.
  3. Bandit Hunter

    Dragging Corpses

    Dragging bodies is already implemented in the base game, so it wouldn't be terribly hard to allow at all! Its a good suggestion.
  4. Bandit Hunter

    Stop saying "Leeroy Enfield"

    I didn't notice the joke till now. I think its funny!
  5. Bandit Hunter

    Fill water with Jerry Cans. Boil Drinking Water.

    I remember reading about Alaskan natives who boiled salt water as they're sole source of fresh water. Though you're explanation makes sense.
  6. Bandit Hunter


    Lower your brightness to fix your own comfort level against the sun. I have no issue with it, it may be your monitor. As for sunglasses as a style item, some servers allow it already.
  7. Cool, I agree. A group of survivors or bandits could take over the power plant, and effectively control the basic comfort of the entire server. I think that would be very cool. This is no sarcasm here, either. This has my vote.
  8. Bandit Hunter

    Please add a "Are you sure?" Button to "Respawn"

    No, no I don't think he was trying to disconnect. I have done this EXACT same thing, exact same scenario. I clicked esc, than doubled tapped to get into Visual settings quickly. Missed slightly, respawned. Live and learn
  9. Bandit Hunter

    Implement a currency item such as gold coins.

    Currency already exists. Currency is an item or idea with backed-up, solid value. The most valuable currency in DayZ is ammunition. Gold coins in the past we're considered valuable, backed by the materials actually in the coin. Currency today is still backed by something valuable, you're just trading the idea of the value rather than the item itself. Currency during an apocalypse will again be something of value. A gold coin isnt valuable unless it takes down Zeds. This is why I loved Metro2033. They had a very realistic, post apocalyptic currency (pre-war bullets.) This is why I thought the Fallout series was strange. Bottlecaps hold no value, and are backed by no value.
  10. Bandit Hunter

    WTF is up with the hourglass timer?

    Unconscious. Caused by trauma. Wait it out. If you bleed out and or become killed while unconscious, sorry. Also caused by shock, if you exit the game and reenter during a period of shock.
  11. Bandit Hunter

    How To: Survive the Coast

    I lived in an apartment building in Cherno for several hours before heading inland on my latest character. They have one entrance, several rooms to hide in, and every footstep sounds like a T-Rex walking around, so anyone coming up to meet you can be warned away, with lead or in side chat.
  12. Bandit Hunter

    Missing file

    Will it allow you to play, or is this an error message you get upon trying to enter a server. If its in-game or in-lobby, click "OK" to acknowledge the error, and play as usual. I sometimes get errors for firewood, painkillers, ect. Doesn't change anything in game, though.
  13. Bandit Hunter

    [] Using items on other players

    I know its possible, as somebody bandaged me shortly after the update. However, I have no friends to try healing myself. Assuming its the same as before, it should be the mouse wheel.
  14. Bandit Hunter

    Girl Character?

    There may be in the future, as ArmA already includes female skins.
  15. Bandit Hunter

    Question about weapon ballistics

    ArmA's engine is built to realistically mimic weapon ballistics. Its safe to assume if its fact in real life, ArmA replicates it, and vice versa.
  16. Bandit Hunter

    ACE-like inventory system

    The journey from southwest to northeast of Chern would be the must frustrating few hours of my life if I was forced to walk it. Yet I still agree with this suggestion. I think its very likely we'll see a custom inventory by final release.
  17. Well, its certainly still a clunky game by anyone's definition.
  18. Bandit Hunter

    Player names

    Player-tracking GPS seems a little hightech in a world where we face death to find a watch. Not to mention the fun uses Bandits will find for it. Identifying the other players is part of the environment of the game.
  19. Bandit Hunter

    0 Zombie Server?

    Along with the lack of Zeds, no loot will spawn in these broken servers. Its best to find another until the broken is reset.
  20. Bandit Hunter

    New beta Patch! (93121)

    Steam version auto updates, so i've been unable to efficiently track updates.
  21. Bandit Hunter

    No downed helis, or wildlife?

    There was another thread last night, it seemed nobody who posted has seen a downed heli yet, though this may be bad luck. I believe i've seen wildlife since last night, however.
  22. Bandit Hunter

    Don't add to much features

    I'd like a sandbox, its boring in the woods when your trumping all over the "time survived" average.
  23. High level equipment makes you a target, makes you stress about losing it upon death, makes you stress about finding ammo, ect. I'll have my Winchester, please!