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About Cootter

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Just wondering... been looking a long time for PBX or fishing boat. I mean, I understand they are sorta rare but I have a feeling they either aren't spawning or are off map. Mikkall
  2. Cootter

    Boat storage? location

    Red_Sky... get a job. Puppet, I don't think that could be it. I remember being able to see the water and it was top of a hill, near powerlines. Thanks anyway.
  3. So, way back when I remember walking up to a bulding, had a wall around it and there were boats, had working engines... kinda like a repair facility. But, it was inland a little way up on a hill. I thought it was near Prig but for the life of me I can't remember where exactly and know I can't find'em. Anyone know? Were they removed?
  4. Depends on the current purpose of barbed wire, and your goals. Do you want to retain current, increase or lower the number of asshats who play DayZ? Based on current level's and historical updates, one must assume you would want to increase the number of DayZ asshats. Therefore, removing barbed wire would be a poor choice because asshats love barbed wire almost as much as they enjoy server hopping. That said, a short term benefit of removing barbed wire would likely lead to the discovery of new and exciting asshatishness as yet undiscovered in the game. Asshats stay busy, they'll find ways to continue their annoyance. So, in the final analysis... barbed wire should probably be removed. Any loss of asshat interest in DayZ could easily be remedied with "new" asshatish features, or returning barbed wire to the game. It's a win win!
  5. ....you missed the point asshat.
  6. Cootter

    A new low in banditry

    .....killing noobs, in Cherno. I bet you can entertain yourself with a pencil sharpener, for hours.
  7. Cootter

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    Official request.... We need a Dickhead Campfire thread.... the mod's can move stuff like this, there.
  8. Cootter

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    Your last sentence turned the entire post into drivel.
  9. Cootter

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    So nice to see a bit honesty now and then. :P
  10. It's a moot point, something that will never be. Because one group would prefer to use their their brains. The other group, well it would never occur to them to use something they don't have.
  11. Sure there is... shitcan DayZ in favor of something a bit more to your liking.
  12. Cootter

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Douchebaggery... nothing unusual in DayZ.
  13. Wow... just wow. Rather than let one guy do his thing, you let a whole world of douchery prevail. clap... clap... clap.
  14. So what server do you wannabe's DayZ on, hmmmmm? Bet you aint got the balls.