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Everything posted by johndstill@gmail.com

  1. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hey Guys,You may have seen our group. We started the our community on day 3 of the mod. Our leadership works closely with Matt and Rocket. We wear the tags {CQF}. I'm {CQF}Johnny. We are a friendly group that likes to help survivors. I play off the fact that we also like to kill bandits. You will often see us roleplay to some degree as I think it adds to the depth of the game.Our teamspeak is always open, just come in and play. We play on all servers. The TS is owned by the 1st Cavalry Division, the main group I run.The Info: ts21.gameservers.com:9163 Pass: aircavYou will connect without permissions, just sit tight, we'll get you set up. The quick background story of the CQF:We are a friendly diplomatic force of more than 18 mature members sent by the Russian Federation to assist survivors and to eradicate any threats in Chernaurussia. We currently hold the nothern regions in our containment zone. If you see us, know that we won't kill you unless you shoot at us first (or you're a bandit). If you are a bandit, please know that we will be beginning a 4 step bandit rehabillitation program to assist you in being forgiven for past wrongdoings. The full story: In early 2011 an outbreak occurred, for reasons we do not know. The Russian Federation was reorganizing its military as the disaster struck. Much of the deeper parts of Russia were untouched by the outbreak. This was mainly because of the strong border protection the Russian army and Russian terrain provided. The Duma (the Russian congress) voted and declared the Russian Federation the "Russian Security Zone". For a while Russian leaders felt that the country was safe, so the Kremlin decided to send in small teams of Spetsnaz soldiers from the renowned "Alfa" unit into neighboring countries to bring survivors into the Russian Security Zone. Then in 2012, there was a massive surge of the "undead" from former The Ukraine into the Russian borders and many of the members of the "Alfa" group from the Spetsnaz were recalled and sent to battle the surge that broke into the Russian Security Zone near The Ukraine. The Kremlin realized that the relocation that the "Alfa" group had been performing in other countries was assisting greatly in the fight to maintain the borders of the Russian Security Zone. So they decided to send in a force that needed to be similarly as good as the "Alfa" and "Vympel" groups from the Spetsnaz they had been using to relocate survivors. They called upon General Rashid Nurgaliyev the Russian minister of the Interior to dedicate on of his Interior Spetsnaz units to assist survivors and elminate the growing threat of bandits in countries that shared borders with Russia. He dedicated the 15th OSN VV (Internal Spetsnaz Forces) from Armavir near the Southest Border of Russia to deal with this situation. He called upon a prominant officer of the unit to lead a group into Chernarussia, a place yet untouched by Russian Security Forces, where there was a major bandit problem brewing. He contacted Podpolk�k (Lieutenant Colonel) Johnny and had his unit renamed to the Chernarus Quarantine Force.He has had his unit in the midst of the Chernarussian crisis for weeks. The group was dropped by MI-8 near Devils Castle, but on the choppers return, it crashed due to a well placed shot from a bandit sniper. His St�hiy Leyten�s (Senior Lieutenants) Nick Savage and FormerlyMQ have assisted in running the group. We are currently holding the northern regions, as we have between 270 people. When our numbers grow, we will expand to the south. Don't think we will kill you if you are friendly, I assure you, that we don't want your beans or your weapons, as we have plenty of both. If you don't trust us, then come into TS and experience full immersion and safety of the CQF. Enlist with us today Goals: Assist Friendly SurvivorsCordon off a Quarantine Zone in the NorthGuide Friendly Survivors into the Quarantine ZoneEradicate the Undead and Bandits from the ZoneMaintain a level of role-play as a Russian Diplomatic ForceRequirements: REQUIREMENTS: -Be at least 17 years old -Have a microphone or intend on getting one within 2 weeks of acceptance -Have Teamspeak 3 downloaded (either before being accepted) -Maturity -Have spent at least 1 week in teamspeak -Understanding of the General Orders -When you are on, we expect you to be on Teamspeak -Have the sponsorship of at least 1 member above the rank of Recruit -Be ready to have fun!!!!!The unit is always recruiting people willing to assist in the cause who are willing to remain unagressive against friendly survivors. If you wish to join, you can do so by one of five ways: -Add Johnny on steam (m1abrahams) -Come on TS (info is above) -Ask when you see us on the server -Go to www.thefirstcav.com/enlist -PM me here (if you can...)or send a guy named "Still" a PM on the 1st Cav site. Our Servers: EU 1 EU 2 US 21 US 20
  2. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We have been hitting ArmA 3 Breaking point (a dayz mod) really hard recently! Come join in on the fun!
  3. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Reminder: Here is our new thread
  4. johndstill@gmail.com

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    Wait, are you guys cowards or do you use tags?
  5. johndstill@gmail.com

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    Hey there, CQF is a close ally of Beck's. If you declare war, we'll jump on Becks side. My guys are decent, we're not the best, but we are the biggest. See you in hell Still
  6. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Come on in to TS! Check us out
  7. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    always, we have another thread though
  8. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Anyone who see this should go to our new thread: Here
  9. Medical experiments? This is no time to experiment on the last few survivors of the outbreak. You are nothing more than corrupted sociopaths. You swine disgust me!
  10. johndstill@gmail.com

    The Union of Asia's Important Announcement

    I don't even know who you are? Ok Kim Jung
  11. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    The thread has been recreated to give it a jumpstart Here is the thread
  12. johndstill@gmail.com

    Looking for a Clan to Roll with

    Hey man. Check out the CQF We're a friendly, well-established group. We have a teamspeak server and a lot of players.
  13. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We have been preparing for standalone, please keep your eyes open for a post about the new coalition restarting
  14. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We've gotten 5 new recruits this week! We can always use more!
  15. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We're still always looking for people. We have been playing origins of late
  16. Hey Guys, You've probably seen me around, I go by Johnny in game. I know there have been many people really interested in hosting servers. Well the CQF has partnered up with Vilayer Server hosting. I can almost guarantee you cannot beat the prices of this company! The Owner has agreed to lower prices just for DayZ because of the mods quality!! This just in! Vilayer's Sale is now on!!! Use the following codes for discounts for a limited time -Wasteland 25% Discount- 25%OFFWL -DayZ Package/DayZ Discount- 25%OFFGS PLEASE NOTE: Setup is usually within 1 hour of server order due to backend configuration and installation of the server. Data-Centers Want your server near where you live? They have it!: New York Pennsylvania London Luxembourg Paris Berlin Texas Seattle Most other major data-centers We have also just purchased more hardware for our WEST COAST locations! We have also added Texas to our service areas!!! CHECK OUT OUR DAYZ PACKAGE!!! http://www.vilayer.c...yz-package.html CHECK OUT OUR WASTELAND PACKAGE!!! http://www.vilayer.c.../wasteland.html Hardware for less!!! When you choose your location you have many different hardware options that you can choose from so that you meet your server hosting needs! These servers are blazing fast at incredibly low prices with NO SETUP FEE! Like having game servers without sacrificing the size of your wallet? Stop on by so that you can get your own badass Zombie Killing action server! This just in! Slotted game servers are available for only $1.25 a slot These are some of the many features of slotted servers Full FTP Access w/ FTP Manager Full Control (No Desktop manager) Command Line Manager File Manager Config Manager Multi-Map Support BEC Preinstalled Anti-hack tools Loadout Changer Scheduled Restarts Time Changing Feature Automatically Whitelisted!!!! Maps Supported: Lingor Taviana Celle Fallujah Takistan Utes Zargabad Namalsk Panthera Chernarus We offer so much more at: http://www.vilayer.com/ PM ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS!! Johnny
  17. Keep your eyes peeled for new releases of both DayZ and Wasteland!!!!!
  18. After a long time gone due to real life issues, I am back! Vilayer is still alive and kicking. We offer more services than any other company for DayZ and Wasteland. check us out. Vilayer.com!
  19. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hey Guys, there is still slots open for new people. We have people playing loads of different games all the the time
  20. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Yessir, we have a number of aussies :)
  21. Barry, Thanks for the post. You're the man! I'm sorry people are upset with things, but I promise, Casey, Lee, brad and Nigel worked super hard while I was away. I'm in a brand new house and I'm waiting For Comcast to hookup my internet. I can then help with sales. Johnny
  22. johndstill@gmail.com

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Mr Heaves, I should think you might get the game before you start opening your pie hole and letting shit spew out. Cheers Bro When we turn into commies, I'll be sure to send you to the gulag first.
  23. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hey Talyessin, Your best bet is to hop on teamspeak to check us out. I would hop on there (information located on the original post in the thread) and then go and apply on the website. Johnny PS- Sorry I didn't respond to your message, I mustve missed it
  24. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Yea, come on in, were always willing to play with people. :)