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Everything posted by johndstill@gmail.com

  1. We are looking into the issue. At this time, it will be difficult to change the time as we will have multiple servers with multiple owners on each box. Johnny
  2. johndstill@gmail.com

    Looking to rent a UK/EU server

    If you have any questions about vilayer, just PM me or add me on skype :) Johnny Skype: capecodcaper
  3. johndstill@gmail.com

    Enabling vehicles?

    Hello iHighland, any instance ID's below 1000 have vehicles, any above will get them soon. I believe your instance ID is below 1000. If you do not have vehicles, please PM me and I will verify your instance ID and look into the issue. Johnny
  4. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Roger that, I will message you if needed. Thanks
  5. I will be looking into this for you guys, just PM me your account names Johnny
  6. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Spasiba Comrade, We will be tightening our requirements shortly, by how much I am not sure. The Kremlin has stated that they wish for us to grow as much as possible. Leadership is light right now as we haven't compensated for the increase in numbers yet. I promise, soon, we will have more leadership up and running to help put our unit to success. I am looking for some of this leadership to step forward, others I will choose. Numbers are insignificant when I have a strong backbone full of Sergeants. Johnny PS- Comrade, what name do you go by, so that I may know who to talk to about possible leadership
  7. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Updated with server information
  8. johndstill@gmail.com

    looking for friendlies on right now

    You're welcome to join the CQF as we always have people on http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568&pid=23538#pid23538 Johnny
  9. johndstill@gmail.com

    So Alone!

    You're welcome to join the CQF as we always have members on. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568&pid=23538#pid23538 Johnny
  10. johndstill@gmail.com

    Ultra High Performance DayZ Servers, 15%off for life!

    You're welcome iHighland, if you need anything more, please let us know :)
  11. We will be opening a brand new data-center soon in Germany to better serve you!
  12. johndstill@gmail.com

    From the bandit campfire

    Cheers Zilchy, we appreciate the chance to be able to eliminate your kind. Johnny Leader of the CQF (A Bandit Hunting Unit)
  13. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Roster and Main post updated with new grapic (on page 1) Johnny
  14. johndstill@gmail.com

    Do we really need helicopters?

    I don't know about you but the Chernarus Quarantine Force uses them for extraction of friendly survivors
  15. johndstill@gmail.com

    looking for a clan

    Check out http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568 We're always recruiting
  16. Original post updated :-)
  17. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Got the App, Try hoppin in TS :) Johnny
  18. johndstill@gmail.com

    Server hosting

    ^^Yea, that
  19. johndstill@gmail.com

    Server rent

    Check out Vilayer.com to see :-) use the code 15%DayZ to get 15% off
  20. No Problemo, you should be set up and running now :)
  21. johndstill@gmail.com


    Hey Dale, I believe the box Lee put the server on had these specs: Processor : 2x4x2.53+ GHz (QPI 2 x 5.86 GT/sec) Memory (RAM) : 48Gb DDR3 (1600mhz) Hard Disk : 2 x 1TB (3000Gb) SATA 6 Gb/s Network Port: 10Gbps Bandwidth : Unmetered I could be wrong, but thats the one I think he mentioned last night Johnny
  22. johndstill@gmail.com

    Idea for the Server General category

    I like that idea. It really muddies the waters when so many people are posting. It drops down donation threads, provider threads and threads that might need to be up at the top (like downtime and such). Good Idea Johnny
  23. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We will be moving to a new site (new URL) and most likely a new TS (information to follow). I will keep you posted. Just as a note: the CQF has grown so quick we need more leaders. If you are interested in leading, apply to the CQF and I can help streamline you through our promotion process :) Johnny