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Everything posted by johndstill@gmail.com

  1. johndstill@gmail.com

    US20 CQF

    Yea, I agree, so we did :)
  2. johndstill@gmail.com

    US20 CQF

    ^^ Same guy you can tell by the spelling...
  3. Dutch Mike, PM Lee or I on the forums and we can get you figured out. Also, we have just ordered 6 new server stacks in NY Look for new sales soon Johnny
  4. johndstill@gmail.com

    Post suspect BattlEye script logs here

    .cm can you send me your scripts.txt file?
  5. johndstill@gmail.com

    Dual Monitors

    Hey Guys, I just bought a second monitor and when I hook it up and start ArmA, my game lags bad. I don't think its my system, as it is fairly powerful. Can someone make a recommendation on how to fix this? Also, can someone tell me how I can run two programs and not have one minimize when I click on the other monitor. Johnny System Specs: Core i7 2700k 24GB RAM 2x GTX560TI in SLI Western Digital Caviar Black 6GB/s transfer
  6. johndstill@gmail.com

    Dual Monitors

    Anyone have a suggestion?
  7. Betaman, please PM me the name on your account. Thanks Johnny
  8. I'm good buddy. I would urge you to whitelist, because this may inhibit you from getting updates in the future. Johnny
  9. johndstill@gmail.com

    Looking for group

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568 Check us out :)
  10. johndstill@gmail.com


    hive is currently down, it will be up soon
  11. johndstill@gmail.com

    US20 CQF

    Just a heads up, since I banned Rasputian on my server, I added the ban to all my server, but I seem to have missed US21. I have added the ban today after I found out he was on the server. I was notified because he killed my member. I kicked him because of his earlier behavior, not the killing of a member, which he will try to spin off. Oh yea also, he seems to have developed an obsession with us, he has been skirting TS bans to come on our TS and refuses to get the picture we don't want him. So I'm not sure if he's right in the head.
  12. johndstill@gmail.com

    Super Dedicated Server Sale In LA!

    the support we give and whitelisting and instance IDing we take care of, plus personal customer support, I think you will like vilayer :)
  13. yes it is capsup, most of our EU clients have requested a GMT-6 timezone Johnny
  14. Mike, most of your questions are Lee's domain, I'll let him know to reply. But you should know that not having a whitelisted server you miss out on a lot of things: saving from one server to the next, updates pushed through the hive and whatnot. I don't think you will enjoy a server that is not on the whitelist. Johnny
  15. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Roster updated :) still some more work to do
  16. johndstill@gmail.com

    Looking for a group to join

    You're welcome to check out the CQF. We have loads of members and run ops frequently on 4 of our servers http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568 We are friendly :)
  17. johndstill@gmail.com

    Looking for Group

    You're welcome to check out the CQF http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568
  18. johndstill@gmail.com

    Vilayer.com - Excellent servers and service

    :D Thanks Guys!
  19. Here is a link for our new sale: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19561
  20. johndstill@gmail.com

    Admin kicks for playing alone

    Sorry Bonny but I think its a two way street, proof both ways or nothing. I have run into people I have kicked out of my group that report my admins for things that aren't true. Proof is a two way street. Aside from that, people really need to knock off the shit about server admins VS players, its utter and complete crap.
  21. johndstill@gmail.com

    Server rent

    Unfortunately no, DayZ now requires new servers to be a minimum of 40 slots Johnny
  22. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that if anyone ever has any issue with CQF members to PM me on here on our site. Also, our numbers continue to grow and as a unit, we have decided to resume rescue operations to shuttle friendly survivors from the south to the north. Keep an eye out :) Johnny
  23. johndstill@gmail.com

    Super Dedicated Server Sale In LA!

    You can also ask me as well :) Johnny
  24. @ Mike, you're all set :) @iHighland and company You guys need to check the password in your BE password setting. Its located in the cfgdayz folder. You set your RCON pass there Johnny
  25. Thats what I do for my server. I use BERCon