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Everything posted by para255

  1. as the titel say's looking for eu group dutch would be even beter but not needed, played dayz since 1 month getting bored loney, add me on skype or steam skype : rofelkek steam : baulus
  2. from netherlands playing since a month ago, looking for more player's or a group.............................. steam: baulus skype: rofelkek
  3. dam a free ride and he didnt even enterd the bus?..................... :rolleyes:
  4. seni old guy (28) looking to join aswell, from nehterlands so same times alike........ skype : rofelkek steam : baulus
  5. bought the game yesterday looking for a clan / player to play with, from netherlands, skype: pietjephuk
  6. hey bought arma 2 yesterday so far so good, only thing is i keep getting killed by players even with voice chat telling them iam friendly, so is there any none pvp or a newbie friendly server where the dont gank nubies witout guns 24/7? peace
  7. if anyone is intrested to play my sky: pietjephuk, not the best in the game but learning from netherlands
  8. alright to bad gues i gote find some ppl with skype :) any clan site's or aint there such ting?