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Piece of Sheet

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About Piece of Sheet

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    On the Coast
  1. Piece of Sheet

    Man... Those Lee Enfields...

  2. Hi, I have been playing for a few days and would like to contribute a suggestion. I have had times where I was at 11-12k blood, getting chased by one zombie and got knocked down in 1 hit. I also had other times where I was at 8k blood, took 20 hits and have not been knocked down. I am not exactly sure how the zombie knockdown mechanic works, but it looks like it's random. My suggestion: Make some sort of counter on how many zombie hits you can take before getting knocked down. The less blood you have, the less hits you can take. In the following examples, I just inputted numbers I thought would make sense. Feel free to change them. Example 1: You are at 12,000 blood. If you take 10 zombie hits in the next 45 seconds, you will get knocked down. Example 2: You are at 4,000 blood. If you take 5 zombie hits in the next 45 seconds, you will get knocked down. Another suggestion (maybe too extreme?): Remove the knockdown mechanic completely, and instead make it so you take more damage from next hits. Example 3: Every zombie attack makes next zombie attacks do 10% more damage for the next 45 seconds. This effect will stack. With either one of these suggestions, you will not randomly get knocked down and lose all of your gear, but will still be afraid of taking too many zombie hits. Also, it would be really nice to remove the knockdown mechanic when getting shot by another player. In my opinion, it kind of ruins the whole point of most weapons not being able to 1 shot. I believe there should be no knockdowns in PvP mode. Just my 2 cents.