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About Ramson

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Steam version of game update 95248 currently showing but have been operating 95417 Usually play through six launcher but have attempted through steam as well Problem: Server froze up, closed it then encounter 3D performance error. FIxed that error but current 95417 update vanished. Version 95248 shows up on load screen. Have attempted to reaquire to no avail. The update is in the computer but it wont show up. Have verified game cache several times and there is always a missing file after I attempt to load game. I deleted local files and re-downloaded but problem persists. Computer spcs AMD 9500 quad core 2.2 GHz 4 Gigs ram 32 bit 700 gigs free space windows vista
  2. So I'm creeping up on the ATC tower south and see this fella already inside as he walks past the door. I've always had a "first come first serve" mentality so I intend to back off when I hear a close gunshot and see an impact upon the wall. I believe it is graphics bleed through from the individual inside that made a wild shot at me so I prepare for the ensuing battle. Sure enough he comes to the door way spraying rounds and I take him out with a couple of shots to the head with my 870 slug. I'm hit and bleeding out so I immediately go to bandage when a spray of fire from behind riddles me and ends that particular incarnation. On hindsight I wonder if someone tried to snipe me from a distance and I mistook who fired. I'm sure the individual inside the ATC tower assumed I initiated combat and moved to defend himself. So, I either successfully killed my first bandit or killed some innocent that didn't have it comming. Got to love DayZ.
  3. Ramson

    Trading Mountain Dew

    Rare + worthless= worthless
  4. Ramson

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    The insane pathing of zombies. I mean seriously, a healthy human in perfect condition could never match how zombies run.
  5. Ramson

    Where do you draw the line?

    That's an interesting point. It is something I have discussed with my family when we delve into our "zombie plan". I've wondered if you could eat a "fresh" zombie if well cooked. Like you said, it depends upon the nature of the infection. Assuming a viral or bacterial infection it should be safe if properly cooked. Standard food service protocols show this as long as the meat is not full of waste products of the bacteria. So, someone that was just turned could be safe to eat well cooked. Now if we are talking about some sort of cosmic dust as some movies have followed then your guess would be as good as mine.
  6. Ramson

    Where do you draw the line?

    The knowledge to field dress and butcher a human would not be very different from any other animal. And yes, I would know how, and yes, there would be a considerable amount of food. Would I want to? Now thats the question. But like I said, there are all kinds of people that play. If realism is the name of the game then cannibalism would be a reality.
  7. Ramson

    Where do you draw the line?

    Shooting a freshly spawned toon is neither dickish or anything else really other than a waste of resources. They have nothing therefore you gain nothing and they lose nothing except for the few minutes it takes them to respawn. In general, I don't want to shoot anyone and I haven't either. However, I have been shot enough times to head the other direction when I see someone. In truth, part of me is growing an itchy trigger finger to throw some payback at some random player but so far my restraint has keep my finger shooting only zombies. How long will this last? Who knows. As far as realism, well, that can go either way because there are all kinds of people. Those that would shoot on sight and those that wouldn't. I see it as an intrinsic part of the survival game. What role will you fall into? Do you survive by preying on others or by your wits alone? Survival is the name of the game but is it truly surviving if you lose your humanity to do so? Oh and one other question, If I do one day kill another player why can't I butcher and eat him/her. Cannibalism would be a very real aspect in a survival setting such as DayZ.