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About Zerg00s

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    UK14 Admin

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    Moscow, Russia
  1. Zerg00s

    Question about scripts.log

    Thank you, Scavenger! I've banned two players who used this script several times after reading your explanation. Update: We had to unban two people who used this script: if (_ent isKindOf "Animal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setV In fact this is a harmless script. This is a trap that breaks legs. You can sometimes see multiple script entries. It only means that the trap worket multiple times due to the bug.
  2. I haven't thought about it yet. It probably needs some kind of a manual. I can publish it some where with the source code. The limitations are: it works only with FTP folders so far. it has no functionality to ban anyone (can be added in the future). I haven't tested it on big scripts.log files more than 200 KB. I would recommend you to delete scripts.log if it's more than 1 GB. it will be recreated later. You will still need to review the scripts.log carefully and do some investigations before you actually decide to ban someone. You might need to run it under Administrative privileges It was not tested on other machines yet. When processing large log file the interface might hang up for some time. Features: it automatically downloads bans.txt file to see who's already banned it does not show people who were already banned using bans.txt file. It stores violators in the players.xml file which includes their nick, GUID, the first suspicious script their used and the time. It can run the check every several minutes according to the timer. Update: I've uploaded the prog here.
  3. I've even written a small prog to help us to analyse the scripts.log. You can have a look at a screenshot here. The funny thing is that it's just caught my friend wrongly because he's destroyed the ATV and this prog alerts us when it spots using of setVehicleInit script.
  4. _id = player spawn spawn 24.07.2012 06:58:12: N ( 5dc14e44dff07c9b7db4816ff29aa6bc - #11 hmove "ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldb_still"; _dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]]; Answer: This script is harmless. This is happening when you are trying to drag a body. So do not ban people using it! I've checked it several times. My friend was dragging me about 60 mins ago and scripts.log shows the same script for my friend. _bolt setPosATL _endPos; _bolt setDir (getDir _unit); _bolt s Answer: We ban people who use setPosATL because this is a teleport script. And I advice you to do the same! _id = player spawn spawn 24.07.2012 08:42:29: Nekron ( d312dbabc68b8f72d0a0d16faf88561f - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 24.07.2012 08:42:29: Nekron ( d312dbabc68b8f72d0a0d16faf88561f - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int Answer: The problem with this script is that I've noticed my friend using it and I know for a fact he does not use any scripts. Otherwise I would ban the person using it. I've tried to understand where this script comes from. I think this script is happening when you are destroying a vehicle. We were driving an ATV then crashed it. It blew up a few seconds after it. This matches with the script time. So do not ban in this case!
  5. Zerg00s

    Question about scripts.log

    hi! As to the the first script - this is absolutely normal. The second one looks suspicious. I've just banned the player who used it multiple times. Also, try to backup and delete your log file. Don't let it grow that big. It will be recreated after awhile.
  6. Zerg00s

    Is This a Hack??

    I haven't understood the syntax of the commands yet, because I've started looking through the log files only 3 days ago after I was teleported and killed with all players on the server, but: setPosATL sets the position of an object relative to the terrain. _bolt is some object (could be a player or any other object) that is being teleported. _endPos is the targeted coordinates. You can refer to this page if in doubt. It helps somewhat. I couldn't find any other info on this snippet, but in my opinion this is a hack. We've banned 10 people yesterday on my friend's server that used this snippet within the last 3 days. Also, can anyone help me the syntex of the kick command? Yesterday I've banned one player that was still on the server after the ban. I could see him still using teleportation script (by looking in scripts.log), but I could not kick him via server console... what is the correct syntax, please? /kick #players'd kick Matt kick Matt#4534534 /kick #43434 kick 4534534