Im an admin that is just playing this for the teamplay and fun of shooting zombies. It is a good idea. Infact saying it is a bad idea is simply wrong. Admins later will simply adapt the game anyhow. I believe the developers and yourself are forgetting that this game WILL BE MODDED TO HELL after its release. Be honest, Counter-strike, BF3, any shooter EVER, has had the game modded by the people running the server. The simple fact is if they do this, NO HACKING BS CAN OCCUR BETWEEN SERVERS. The idea Taco has is to limit people going BETWEEN SERVERS. Frankly if you have a problem with it, you more then likely server hop for firing-position. There are too many exploits and locking servers and characters to them WOULD END THAT. Also, if we are "Just testers" then we shouldn't be able to buy servers that cost $100 dollars per month. Part of those proceeds go to the developers and they could have a lawsuit on their hands. Seeing as money is being exchanged for goods and services. Im cancelling my server and disgusted I cant even get my money back for buying Arma 2 off steam. What a complete joke. Seriously, no one will keep playing. All the money Arma made off steam will dissappear.