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Everything posted by Jamierulez4ever

  1. Jamierulez4ever

    Clan 101 Recruiting

    added your skype, hope to get in because iv been soloing for 2+ months now
  2. Jamierulez4ever

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest):18 In Game Name:Ashtonimo Country/Timezone:GMT/UK Are You Active?:Yep Experience In Dayz: 2+ months playing Have You Worked In A Team Before?:teamed with brother for a bit, rest is solo Skype: Jamierulez4ever
  3. Jamierulez4ever

    Six launcher not working

    it started today Whenever I start six launcher, I can't find any servers. In the top right corner it says 0 players on 0 servers Will I need to reinstall or is the game update dayzdevteam mentioned earlier?
  4. Jamierulez4ever

    Forming a badass team

    ill hop on aswell, need ts
  5. Jamierulez4ever

    Broken Yellow/Red Chain

    Hey guys, whenever I'm playing, sometimes I will see a broken chain which will appear as red or yellow. this scares me because I am paranoid that I am actually lagging out and standing still, but every-time I logout with the chains, my ping/latency is less than 100. normally around 30-60. I've tried asking in chat, but obviously no-one will respond, so I come to the forums for an answer In fact, is it anything to do with the battleye?
  6. Jamierulez4ever

    Am I using DC correctly?

    I'm not to sure if its me, but I can't seem to use chat, EVER. No matter how much I type or talk, I will be shot/hacked to death. Example: >I am in Electro, at the office >I am unarmed >I meet a guy >Type in DC "I'm friendly and unarmed >He doesnt respond so I plug in my mic and try the same >Still no response >I walk outside and he follows me >I run into his mates >I drop bandage and PK's and stand infront of the wall >All 6 of them open fire on me, while I am simultaneously typing and shouting that I am friendly > I walk away bleeding out of 6 holes, all the while cussing at them for being dicks >I die around the corner from blood loss So what I want to know is; Am I doing the right thing in chat? This is a single example of something that has happened far to many times on a CH:ON server (assuming it means CHAT=ON) No matter how many times I type/talk into Direct Comms, I never get a response and then people are surprised when I walk out from behind cover and spray me down. I'd even be happier if they lied and said they were friendly, then kill me.
  7. Jamierulez4ever

    Guardians of Chernarus.

    Name: Jamie Age: 18 Gender: Bloke Playing time: Near 2 months Skype/C3 name: Jamierulez4ever Game skill (1-10): 7 *EDIT* Timezone: GMT/UK
  8. Jamierulez4ever

    (Recruiting) The Hellsing Organization

    Must be 18 or older. 18 Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too. English Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning. Shotgun, Self Sufficient We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers. I'm non of the above Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least. Near 2 months Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are. i do Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both. I have skype, and can get teamspeak in an instant
  9. Jamierulez4ever

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    I'd like to help out on this, I am very tired of lone wolfing and fancy bunkering down with other people
  10. Jamierulez4ever

    Spawning with friends

    it might make people less paranoid actually having interaction in the game, i cant count the number of times i had my head blown off while i was unarmed and typing 'friendly' through DC
  11. I've been stuck in the wilderness for ages now by myslef, I would like to join a gropu, but I don't know what counts as mature, I am 17 but mentally mature. my skype is Jamierulez4ever
  12. Jamierulez4ever

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    Age:17 Location: UK (GMT 0) Play Time: Nearly 2 Months now YouTube: Jamierulez4ever (I don't make Vids though) Resources: None, sorry, I use skype and steam Info: NOT Greedy or murderous, fair player and well supplied currently
  13. I would like to join this man. The only vehicle I have found is a old bicycle. My skype is Jamierulez4ever, same with my steam.
  14. Jamierulez4ever

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    DayZ Name : Pewdie How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 Months What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] UK/GMT Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Definitely What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Shotguns preferable/ Assault rifle is second Skype name : [Name goes here] Jamierulez4ever
  15. I am getting rather bored of lone wolfing, and getting face rolled by groups of bandits, if anyone would care to invite me to a group of theirs that does anything (I'm not worried about what you do) then please, don't hesitate to PM or skype/steam me, both names are Jamierulez4ever Looking forward to working with you.
  16. I'll come along aswell dude. I've been playing for a few weeks and am well geared My skype is Jamierulez4ever, same for my steam
  17. Jamierulez4ever

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    I would definitely like to team up with good English players, for weeks I have been running around being executed by other teams, it will be nice to have my metaphorical '6' watched My skype is Jamierulez4ever and same for my steam