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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    Bandit hunter. If you shoot me, I will shoot you - and I will not miss.
  1. If you're looking for a vehicle spawn map, you can google that too. I don't look for where vehicles spawn because most players keep it near their tents so if you find a good enough tent, chances are somewhere nearby tucked between some bushes or trees is a vehicle or two. I just did a search on Google, first few links were http://maplib.net/fullmap.php?id=14400 http://dayzdb.com/map (this one seems pretty legit, never heard of it until I found it just now) and many others. The point is.. with time, patience and utilizing the resources I've shown you and everyone here.. you can get some decent gear within just an hour or two if not just a little bit longer. :)
  2. STORY TIME! Fresh spawned like a boss. Started in Kamenka. Ran over to Cherno stopping at the random enterable buildings between it, found a Makerov with some ammo, some food, soda and a hatchet. Sneak into Balota Airfield, my face when I found a AKM and some ammo! Waltz into Cherno, shoot up some the locals for a bit and found myself in an apartment with: Ghillie Suit ALICE Pack AKM + ammo Makarov + ammo Beans, Soda Bandages, Morphine, Painkillers Map, Compass, Watch and Matches Total time spent: 2 - 4 hours. Big leap, but I don't keep track of time when I'm playing a game. Point is, it's completely possible to have full gear with some patience and pure luck. Also, Ganjimon. You're terrible at the game and don't know how to use the random resources people have made to help you find gear. http://dayzmap.com/ http://dayzmap.info/ http://www.google.com/ http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/ the DayZ map on the Android market. I mean seriously, people spend a lot of time and resources putting the data together to help you play the game. As #BASEGOD said, camps are easy to find - heck I bet $10 within a few hours and streaming LIVE (just to prove that no hacks are being used and you're just terrible at the game), I can find a camp or two without breaking a sweat. Also, your statistics are terribly inaccurate and you need to grow up a ton bud. Learn to play the game, play with people who actually know what the heck they're doing and just enjoy it. Otherwise you're just going to keep making a full of yourself if you keep pulling numbers and other false information out your tail end.
  3. SmokingFire, I run TX20 and if you have any problems with hackers please email me at [email protected] with screenshots and/or videos. I will deal with it then. Thanks!
  4. Is it? Then why does EVERY REGULAR of the server claim otherwise? They all know how to get a hold of an admin if there is a problem. You're just upset because we banned your friend for hacking.
  5. Sound more like a self-entitled cry baby more please. Thanks.
  6. You have got to be shitting me. We take the server down the moment its nuked, it's standard procedure.
  7. That's funny, because I was playing all day and my skin never changed. The YetiBro guys play all day and I hang out with them, they never reported their skins changing. I keep in close contact with all the regulars of the server. They email the tx20dayz email with any reports of cheating, exploting, etc. Some people even have my mobile number and they know to contact me if there are any problems. The point is, admins and community members both stand in agreement with the decision to ban the offender with the hacked skin. If he had TRULY had his skin changed by a hacker, he should have reported it IMMEDIATELY to the email and messaged me on Steam. I would have reached out to all the appropriate DayZ staff to have it fixed. This did not happen at all, therefore we can only suspect the player was at fault. It's the same case of picking up a hacked weapon with no inventory texture. If it's not supposed to be there, report it and we'll fix it.
  8. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PEOPLE. TAKE SCREENSHOTS. If you don't screenshot ANYTHING that goes on, I will assume that you're just b-sing. Stop now. You and your clan buddies are really starting to get irritating.
  9. I'm done with this topic. I am tired of your self-entitled players trying to act like you're the admins when you're not. We banned a hacker, his friends got pissed and they nuked the server. You can't cheat OUTSIDE OF A GAME. I understand that someone was in the ocean - this is a bug in DayZ/ArmA 2. Rocket has been working on this, I will help you get in contact with someone who can reset your gear and player location.
  10. We found your body with a hacked skin. We have screenshots of it. We banned you, soon after your friends were complaining and they nuked the server. We have the rest of the people who were online willing to testify to this. I also have the scripts log showing the nuke originated from your friends. Do you really want to start drama? Because I don't see it ending well for you. Hype will post the screenshots he has as well.
  11. I took a break from playing and focused on managing my server because I've been busy looking for a job. Anyways, I patched to and to the latest beta patch installed on the server 95099. Join my server and I ran around for a bit. I can see players but for some reason I can't see any zombies. I thought the server was bugged for me so I restarted it, same issue. Joined other servers, same issue. I have the game installed on Steam, so I uninstalled the game. Deleted any remaining folders and redownloaded/installed it. Reinstalled DayZ and the beta patch. Same issue. I have manually installed everything, used SixUpdater and Worrom's tool. Nothing seems to work. I'm actually a little scared to play because I don't know whats going on and don't want to get banned or something. Can someone please help me? EDIT: Also my compass is having some weird texture glitches. The arrows and NSEW letters are changing colours from blue to purple to pink. EDIT2: I installed the latest AMD drivers for my graphics card. That fixed the texture glitches. I then copied the @dayz folder from my server to my operation arrowhead folder, removed the one server file I don't need and then started up the game. Everything seems to be working now. I don't know what was going on, but it's fixed!
  12. I feel that it is necessary to chime in on the last half of this thread. ArmA 2 isn't a "stupid" game in the sense that it doesn't simply report a player losing connection as a disconnect. If a player is on wifi and their internet drops, power goes out etc the game shows "PlayerA is losing connection". If the player vanishes to the lobby, it says nothing but obviously that player is in the lobby for a reason. When a player disconnects with ALT-F4, CTRL-ALT-DEL or anything of that sort it says "PlayerA has disconnected" Based on community response and server admin discussion, the player that was banned from our server will remain banned for disconnecting during PVP. It is considered an exploit and exploiting is considered cheating. cesar2224, you stated that admins are abusing their power because there is not formidable way to tell whether or not someone legitimately disconnected during PVP. I have reviewed the case and spoken with players in the community, the server admins and read the posts made by two of the admins and some community members about the player. The ban will remain in place. I will have a moderator lock the topic to prevent any further discussion on this matter.
  13. michael.lerch@hotmail.com

    The Average Day in DayZ

    I'm watching the video to see if there are any leads on to who is hacking and will deal with it accordingly. Please email me at [email protected] next time this happens.