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About invalidturkey

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    Some obscure place in Canada
  1. invalidturkey

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    When I first started and somehow found my way to an airfield tower, I basically had a hatchet and a rifle with no ammo. So I go up the last set of stairs into the top of the tower, and from what I saw, was someone looting a corpse, he looked unarmed so I said hi. The guy stood up and turned around, he was actually a zombie, I was scared shitless.
  2. invalidturkey

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    This thread isn't even ABOUT receiver, seriously guys, it's about an IDEA PARTIALLY BROUGHT ON FROM IT, I'm not saying, HEY LOOK AT THIS GAME COPY IT, I'm saying look at that, that's a good idea.
  3. invalidturkey

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    Huh, that's news to me, I wasn't even focussing on that game, I was just saying it on a side note. Anyway if this is basically a repost of another thread I apologize, I remember quickly searching something and not finding anything, but I searched another thing right now and found another thread with the general idea, just no actual new ideas other than "Like this game right here" I was more going for this is a good place to look and maybe start. Other than just that mention I think it should be different in quite a few ways.
  4. invalidturkey

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    Hehe, well Rocket DID say it was an anti-game, so why not just throw in gun maintenance to pass the time eh?
  5. invalidturkey

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    Yeah, I threw that in there as an example, it would probably be better to add the ability to actually be able to holster your weapon.
  6. invalidturkey

    More detailed gun mechanics?

    So I was playing Receiver recently (a game some guys made in the 7-day FPS challenge) and had an idea. Why not give the game more gun mechanics? Be able to take bullets from clips and put them into other ones, make the safety work for guns that have them, and just make it so you can fiddle around with the gun more, maybe even add some modifications for guns? Also it would be pretty cool if you just found BULLETS that are less rare than full clips, less ammo and such. I personally think it would make using a gun more of a skill than a point and mash click and reload, maybe having to grab certain clips from certain pockets and such. What do you guys think? Not sure if it's possible with the engine they're using though.
  7. invalidturkey

    Traders and Traitors

    Traded with Zac, everything went smoothly. +
  8. invalidturkey

    Looking for mk48mod0

    Alright I added you, we can probably discuss the rest through chat.
  9. invalidturkey

    Looking for mk48mod0

    Never used skype before. Do you have a steam account?
  10. invalidturkey


    You could always go hunting and eat meat for blood if you need to and have the supplies.
  11. invalidturkey

    Looking for mk48mod0

    Though I have never traded before, and am actually very hesitant to, I have one of the mk48mod0 machine guns you're looking for with 2 box things of ammo. And having goggles and a rangefinder would be very helpful against bandits and such. So by the way you worded it, do you think you would be able to do a gun and one of each of the goggles and rangefinder? Also we could give eachother some + on the unofficial traders list if we do the trade and it works.
  12. invalidturkey

    Looking for mk48mod0

    Can you give night vision goggles or a rangefinder? Just wondering.
  13. I know you guys probably have some better close calls than this, just going to share a couple I had when I was new. Was gutting a goat in the middle of a field right beside an airfield.(was a terrible idea I know.) A couple of shots hit by my feet and I made it into the forest, didn't see who shot at me, was just glad they didn't hit their target. Also on a life before that, I had my leg broken and crawled from the mountains to a city, found someone who was a nice guy, he went off and got some morphine, right after that we heard shots, looked down and there was a dead man and someone in a house very close by, we both ran, I probably only lived because of the zombies he attracted that he had to take out. So how about you guys? you killed or closely escaped bandits by a hair or sheer chance?
  14. invalidturkey

    So The Rumors Are True...

    I found a mountain dew today, a couple minutes later I found a ghillie, ran into the woods unscathed, the dew is a mysterious thing, sometimes it will kill you, sometimes it will grant you fortune.
  15. invalidturkey

    Devil's Castle

    Well I recently found some mountain dew and a ghillie there, not sure about other people's experiences.