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Hutch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hutch (DayZ)

  1. Hutch (DayZ)

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    That high velocity stuff is only accurate at short range. After 50 yards it's subsonic again and as it crosses the sound barrier it's buffeted and accuracy goes to hell. I always get tighter patterns with subsonic stuff.
  2. Hutch (DayZ)

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    I shoot gophers around my house with my 10/22. (standard velocity LRN) On multiple occasions I've had to hit them twice since they were still crawling after the first shot. Granted my first shot "missed" my intended placement and hit them in the hind quarter or center abdomen, but if a little gopher can keep crawling after being hit, I think a person has plenty of time to bandage. I think the damage is realistic as is. People should understand that the game doesn't model hits to vital organs. Assume all hits to the body are simple wounds with a shock value and bleed rate corresponding with the gun caliber. Even a head shot with a 22 can glance off if it hits at a shallow angle. If it does penetrate the skull, it might not penetrate very deep if it was fired from more than 25 yards away. So multiple head shots to drop someone (or SomeZed) is not unrealistic.
  3. Hutch (DayZ)

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    Do people really think that a 22LR round to center mass should drop a person dead in their tracks? There is a difference between "Lethality" and "Stopping power". This game is mostly about stopping power. Granted a 22LR can be deadly, but usually not instantly to anything bigger than a rabbit. Depending of course on where you are hit, the mass and standard velocity of a 22LR does not cause significant penetration. The entry wound is small and there is little to no permanent stretch cavity. These factors mean that it cannot cause the rapid drop in blood pressure needed to drop a person instantly. You would be bleeding, yes. In shock, yes. Probably die without immediate medical treatment, yes. But it will take some time to lose consciousness and you could effectively fight back for at least a few minutes. Now consider how the game models damage. The game doesn't model vital organ hits, it only models Shock and Blood loss. So, unless it's a headshot, it's essentially a muscle tissue hit. Since Zeds don't bleed out, to drop them you need to do enough shock damage. Players generally don't bleed out either, they bandage. So yeah, a 22 isn't going to do much unless it's a headshot. 2, 3, 5 hits, yeah probably, but not a single hit to muscle tissue.
  4. Hutch (DayZ)

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    All those SKS and Mosins laying around ARE civilian weapons. Now. The Military stopped using them years ago. But I understand your point. Let's call them Mil-Surp instead of military or civilian. Any M1 you might find nowadays would be a civilian weapon. You might be surprised at how many you'd find in homes all across the US. Since Chernarus is a former Soviet region, their civilians would mostly have older Russian guns like the Mosin and SKS. Nato guns like the M1 would probably be rare but would certainly be civilian owned.
  5. Hutch (DayZ)

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    They aren't Zombies. They aren't dead or Un-Dead. As Rocket has stated before... They are humans who are alive but infected with a virus that affects their brain. Other than being mentally altered, they are living humans who can be killed any way you can kill a human. They probably have a higher tolerance or immunity to pain so you really have to hit 'em hard enough to drop their BP quickly.
  6. Hutch (DayZ)

    When to saw off the shotgun and when not to?

    Only reason to saw it is to fit it in your backpack.
  7. Hutch (DayZ)

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    My personal favorite. Beretta 92. I second the Remington 700 suggestion and Remington 870 or other Pump Shotgun. Also, since we have the Russian WW2 guns in the game, Why don't we add some American WW2 guns like the M1 Garrand and M1 Carbine?
  8. Hutch (DayZ)

    The Rejection of Slacks

    I immediately kill anyone I see without pants. New spawn? No threat? Friendly? I don't care, one of us is going to die.
  9. Hutch (DayZ)

    Anyone use a controller?

    It's a PC game. Using a controller will put you at a significant disadvantage against PC gamers.
  10. Hutch (DayZ)

    Was this Desync or?..

    I often see corpses that slide across the floor or ground and pass right through walls. Some kind of glitch or desync. makes it very difficult to loot them. Anyway, sounds like you got one-shot'd to the head and your corpse slid through the wall. You never hear the shot that kills you. As you come down the stairs you can be shot through either window.
  11. Hutch (DayZ)

    So my gun wouldn't fire so what was wrong with it?

    Read the OP folks Everything (Gun and Ammo) was still pristine when his friend checked his corpse. So, yeah...... Not ruined ammo or gun. That being said, something doesn't add up. The gun or the ammo had to have something wrong. To my knowledge, weapon jams or misfires haven't been added yet. Were you on Experimental or Stable?
  12. Hutch (DayZ)

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    It causes motion sickness in many players, so you have to be able to turn it off.
  13. Hutch (DayZ)

    Is DayZ for me?

    I quote Rocket, from http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/ "Do not buy the game yet!" - Rocket If you have to ask, it's probably not for you. Watch some youtube videos and decide if it looks fun. If you don't immediately think it's the most awesome game ever, Then maybe you ought not buy it yet. On the other hand, 1.5 MILLION have bought it already and it's not even feature complete yet.
  14. Currently the "Object Detail" option under video settings will affect how far away you can see other players. Make sure it's at normal or better. Lower than normal and players past a certain distance don't render or render only partially.
  15. Hutch (DayZ)

    Unable to die

    After you die, stay connected to the game for a few more minutes and give the server time to update your character in the hive database. Also, try the respawn option again and give it time. It's kind of broken but if you wait long enough it will usually re-spawn you.
  16. Hutch (DayZ)

    Got hit by Bullet - wow, and now?

    I always keep some rags or bandages in my shirt, pants and backpack for that reason. I was running across an open field yesterday and all of the sudden my legs were broken for no reason. And everything in my pants was ruined. Don't keep anything important in your pants.
  17. Merino's YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YSGX22B6Z3k9-hJzJcz4w/videos Lots of good details there.
  18. Hutch (DayZ)

    Humans in this game need more calcium in their diet! :o

    My legs broke last night while I was running across a level open field. No Drop, No Obstacle, Just running and all of the sudden, Boom, "I think my leg is broken" No sticks to be found anywhere nearby. I'm about 6KM from the nearest hospital, though there may be one of the new clinics nearer. In the plus side, The experimental servers now show a status on the inventory screen of "Fracture" to let you know, and you get a periodic status update of "My leg is in a lot of pain", "I think my leg is broken". Though he doesn't specify which leg ;) I'm also getting a strange placeholder status update of "ArmHurtPain" or something like that so I think a zombie broke my arm too. A splint will get me walking but until I find morphine, my character is going to be cusing and complaining that it hurts.
  19. 1. See them before they see you. I was up north running into a small town, Gvozdno I think. As I was coming down a hill toward town I noticed a survivor run behind a house. He didn't see me, so I moved behind a tree and watched for him to pass around the other side. He didn't. I figured he must have run toward another house behind that one, so I moved up to a house next door and watched for him to come out again. I was bored, I hadn't seen another survivor for hours and I was looking for a fight. 2. Always check your surroundings before leaving cover. Then I saw him come out of a different house to my side and run into another nearby, so I took up a position at the corner of a fence where I could see the doorway and waited for him to come out again. When he walked out of the house, I shot him mid torso with my Mosin. *If he had been more observant as he moved between houses he might have seen me before I was able to get the drop on him. 3. When you take fire, Don't run. Instead of doing a 180 and going back inside, or around the back of the house, He ran, in the open, directly away from me. His M4 was on his back, not in his hands. My second shot missed because he zigged, but my third shot dropped him. I waited a few seconds and moved up to loot. *If I were him, I would have run back into the house, pulled out that M4 and covered the entrance, bandaging asap. If he had, he might still be alive, or at least he would have had a fighting chance. 4. Always carry handcuffs. When I got to his body, I checked his pulse. He was still alive! For a second I thought about bandaging him, but he woke up and started to move. I had no cuffs so I had to finish him off with another shot. If I hadn't, I'm sure he would have turned his M4 on me. That's what I would do. *If I had cuffs, I would have cuffed him right away and then bandaged him and left him alive. I will try to keep a set from now on. 5. Stay Healthy my friends He must have been healthy since it took three mosin shots at relatively close range to kill him. I always seem to get killed by the first shot, probably 'cause they aim for the head. I felt kind of bad. He wasn't a threat to me, he wasn't in my way. I could have left him alone and moved on to another town. The fact that he was carrying an M4 made me feel a little better. I normally don't worry about shooting players with military gear. I didn't know the guy. I don't know what would have happened if I had tried to communicate first. Experience tells me if I had tried to talk first, he probably would have used that M4 on me. Was it a dick move to kill someone for no reason? Yeah probably. I know it sucks to get killed out of the blue with no warning. Maybe I taught him a lesson that will help him survive in the future. I learned quite a few lessons the same way.
  20. Hutch (DayZ)

    What I learned from my first deliberate Murder

    AFAIK, When cuffed, you can't do anything. Can't walk, run, or crawl either. Without Keys, Cuffs can be opened with a hacksaw and I'm pretty sure a player can "wiggle" out of them eventually, but it takes time. I don't think logging out kills you but I could be wrong. I think the logout option is disabled when cuffed. You can Alt-F4 but there's still the 30 second logout timer.
  21. Hutch (DayZ)

    What I learned from my first deliberate Murder

    Not at all. I've been killed far more times than I've killed. I'm learning though. I normally don't KoS, but as I said, I was bored.
  22. Rain gets you wet on the Experimental Servers
  23. Not at all. I'm wearing one now and my character gets the Damp, Wet, Soaking status just as quickly as wearing anything else. All clothes including the raincoat get wet which is no different than wearing anything else.
  24. Hutch (DayZ)

    Tips for better situational awareness?

    I haven't tried FaceTrackNoIR so I don't know how well it works. ToH is listed under it's compatible games so I expect it will work with DayZ.
  25. Hutch (DayZ)

    Tips for better situational awareness?

    A HeadTracker is the best thing you can do for situational awareness. It lets you keep your head on a swivel. TrackIR is what I use ... http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/ FaceTrackNoIR is a free alternative ... http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm Check out his video from Dslyecxi on how it works in game. DayZ isn't listed as a supported game but it does work perfectly since it's based on the Take on Helicopters engine.