Last night I was in a small town to the north (on US #00) and I sprinted to the church and axed the zombies following me. Then I looked around for loot. There was a Czech Backpack on the ground but I couldn't pick it up because of other loot around it. So while I was moving the trash I noticed another player walking around the church with just a crowbar. He comes straight up to the loot pile I'm at and is digging around in the stuff I'm already trying to loot. I'm all for being friendly and I don't like to kill unarmed people. If he had just kept his distance I would have left him alone. But I wanted that backpack and rather than let him take it before I could, I hit him in the head with my axe. I felt kind of bad, but honestly, he shouldn't have gotten that close to someone. Especially someone with a better weapon. The lesson here is , if you want to be friendly, keep your distance. If you get too close to me I'm going to assume you're trying to take somethiong from my backpack or you're trying to take the loot that I got to first.