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Hutch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hutch (DayZ)

  1. Last night I was in a small town to the north (on US #00) and I sprinted to the church and axed the zombies following me. Then I looked around for loot. There was a Czech Backpack on the ground but I couldn't pick it up because of other loot around it. So while I was moving the trash I noticed another player walking around the church with just a crowbar. He comes straight up to the loot pile I'm at and is digging around in the stuff I'm already trying to loot. I'm all for being friendly and I don't like to kill unarmed people. If he had just kept his distance I would have left him alone. But I wanted that backpack and rather than let him take it before I could, I hit him in the head with my axe. I felt kind of bad, but honestly, he shouldn't have gotten that close to someone. Especially someone with a better weapon. The lesson here is , if you want to be friendly, keep your distance. If you get too close to me I'm going to assume you're trying to take somethiong from my backpack or you're trying to take the loot that I got to first.
  2. Last night was frustrating. I logged in to find I was in a completely different location from where I logged out and my backpack and hatchet were missing. I chalked it up to a bug and decided to continue on. Found another hatchet and later another packpack and a rifle. Had to logout briefly for a bio break but stayed connected to the server in the lobby screen. When I logged back in, I was in a completely different random location halfway across the map, my weapons, tools and backpack were gone again. All that was left is what was in my active inventory. Frustrated, I found another hatchet and logged out to test. Sure enough when I logged back in the hatchet was gone. Tried again a few times. Each time I appeared in a random location all over the map. Toolbelt items gone, weapon slot items gone and backpack gone. Eventually I decided to suicide and generate a new charatcer. With the new character everything seems to be working normally. I log back into the same location with stuff intact. My best guess is that my character data was corrupted somehow and wouldn't save or load correctly. Could this have to do with what server(s) I was playing on?
  3. Hutch (DayZ)

    Help with iron sights

    Um. You're not using the iron sights. Try a quick tap on the right mouse button. Then hold to zoom and steady.
  4. Hutch (DayZ)

    Get Kicked from every Server

    It's a problem with the steam update. Happening to alot of people this morning. Look Here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45202-fix-for-being-kicked/
  5. Hutch (DayZ)

    Hacker teleported a whole server on Skalisty Island.

    Happened to me a couple of days ago on US #00 The hackers teleported the whole server at once and mowed everyone down with the miniguns from two choppers. A couple of us managed to get away but being on Skalisty Island what could we do? I was shot and bled out anyway. If you can't get a friend to pick you up in a boat, all you can do is take the valubles out of your backpack and go ahead and lose the pack on your swim.
  6. Hutch (DayZ)

    I was victim of a hacker

    Yesterday on server US #00 I was playing with a couple of friends when suddenly everyone on the server was teleported to a clearing on Skalisty island. The hackers had two helecopters landed there and used the side mounted machine guns to mow everyone down. They also threw a few grenades for good measure and had a sniper positioned to take out any runners. Honestly, how could that really be any fun for the hackers?