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The Darkthrone

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Everything posted by The Darkthrone

  1. The Darkthrone

    Wait... what?

    uhhh... change your forum photo. or prove you love danzig.
  2. Its always the same line on internet forums. You must be a virgin and live in your moms basement if you play videogames, and its always said by other gamers. While im sure they exist. 90% of people i played with online has college/job/home/bills/kids/wife/girlfriend ect ect. Big surprise huh, we're all just a bunch of normal dudes(and ladies). The OP clearly has "sex issues", but didnt we all at 13 ;)
  3. The Darkthrone

    Best Gear youve ever gotten?

    can of beans.
  4. Listen to cobra commander!
  5. I went to Stary and got shot at. Craziest shit ever bro.
  6. The Darkthrone

    Fuck you BATTLEEYE

    Cool story bro.
  7. The Darkthrone

    Wtf was this??

    ahhh hackers, the only good reason to ALT+F4
  8. The Darkthrone

    you guys were right hackers do own it now

    Been player for 2 weeks now, 4-5 hours a day, 6 days a week, on many different servers. Only been hacked once. BUT many friends have been hacked multiple times, so Ive just been lucky maybe. Honestly I dont see the devs being able to do anything really huge to stop this untill the standalone comes out. ARMA II and Battleye really were not ment to stop this kind of stuff from going on. One of the downsides to being a tester in this grand experiment.
  9. So characters should be server bound on servers that can barley hold 50 people... No thanks. Quit trying to make DayZ just like every other game... if its D/Cing is the problem the easy answer is when you altF4 your charecter stays in game for 5-10 seconds. This is being worked on and hopefully will be on the next patch. And like Swine said, make certain places unlogoffable seems to make sense to me... I dont have a perfect answer, but i know that there are alot better solutions to these problems then just copying what MMORPGs do.
  10. The Darkthrone

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    NOOOO!! Please go play the 99% of online games that do that PvE only shit. Stay away from DayZ.
  11. just by reading the title of your thread. Hacker.
  12. No, Its just that your going about it completely wrong.
  13. What are you talking about? I didnt say anything about what how you should or shouldnt play. I play majority solo. If you wanna group, then group. Arbitrarily forcing players to group is fucking stupid. and pretty much goes agianst the whole point of this mod.. go play Borderlands or some shit... edit/ also, playing solo is already pretty fucking hard and Im always at a disadvantage in 90% of situations I come across, but you want to make grouping even more rewarding?
  14. If your having such a hard time just play at night, the Zeds cant even see you. No big deal.
  15. So you think multiplayer just means co-op?! ok....
  16. I like like playing solo, QFT. I prefer to play solo, forcing me to group in a sandbox makes no sense.
  17. Maybe you shouldnt be going to green mountain? Lesson learned.
  18. And to think I rolled my eyes when I read this topic. Take my beans..
  19. The Darkthrone


    Welcome to Day Z.
  20. The Darkthrone

    This is a stickup!

    Come at me bro!