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About Dezza88

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dezza88

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Both the Balota Airfield and Berezion City are giving off massive screen artifacting
  2. Dezza88

    Hijacked A UAZ From 3 Guys (Only 1 Fatality)

    Just pure epic =D - Wish i had your luck :P also your screen tear is making me cry =[
  3. So ive been playing DayZ for about a week now and i want someone to team up with! Im totally down with what ever you wanna do, bandit killing/hunting, starting off pvp, controlling a area - you name it im up for it. Must be EU + talk englsih + have some form of voice coms - only things i ask Add Me; Steam - Dezsta Skype derek.mills.88 Oh one more thing, ive just died =D