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Posts posted by DTsoy

  1. The only major change is that you're a traitor.

    Stop being lazy and read the patch notes. I'm not your lapdog.

    I'm a traitor for trying new things?

    That's like saying someone who bought Battlefield 3 is a traitor to the Call of Duty community. Fuck off

    If you bought it trough steam you can get your money back , steam made a topic about that.

    I bought it off their website. My friends assured me it's worth trying out just for the co-op experience, so I said why the hell not

  2. So I bought WarZ just to try it out. $15 down the fucking toilet, honestly. What disgusted me the most was the stupid pay-to-win aspect IN A GAME WITH A FEE TO BEGIN WITH. Completely defeats the purpose.

    Whatever. Anyways, I'm gonna come on back to DayZ - Could you guys sum up real fast for me the major changes that have occurred since June, and what the latest version of both ArmA2:CO and DayZ mod are? Last time I played DayZ was when melee weapons were first introduced.


  3. You can't change to a refresh rate that your monitor does not support. The only thing you can do is use a Frame-Rate Limiter. NVIDIA Inspector has one that allows you to do it. See my post HERE.

    ETA: Also be sure to still enable VSYNC as it gives a FPS boost.

    Hold up just a second. I have no idea how to make it work - I have my Nvidia inspector open at the ArmA2:OA profile, but the Frame Rate Limiter option is greyed out. How do I make it set at 45 fps?

    I would love you forever if you helped me solve this issue.

    EDIT: Also, is this going to hold even though I'm using the beta patch of ArmA 2?

  4. Does anybody know of a way to cap your frame rate? I'd rather have it at 45 fps constantly, than at 60 in one place, and 45 in another.

    I tried changing my refresh rate value in the ARMA2OA.cfg file to 45 and then enabling vsync but that doesn't work, for some reason. It just caps my frame rate to my actual refresh rate of 60.

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Hey there guys.

    My frame rate is normally 50-60 when I'm in outdoor areas, and drops to 40-50 when I go into large cities like Elektro or Cherno. So, I wanted to force my refresh rate in the ARMA2OA.cfg file to be 45, so that I get a constant frame rate when I enable vsync.

    However, when I turn on Vsync, the frame rate caps at the default refresh rate value of 60 fps. I check the ARMA2OA.cfg file and the refresh rate has been reverted to 60 even though I saved it as 45.

    Does anybody know why this happens, and how I can force the game to think my refresh rate is 45? Experiencing these huge frame rate drops is sort of hampering my experience.

    Alternatively, does anybody know of another way to cap your frame rate at a certain value?

    Thanks in advance.
