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Everything posted by advanex1@yahoo.com

  1. advanex1@yahoo.com

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    I'm guessing you didn't read the channel description which specifically states the error/issue with the java script and the error 500? What's even more interesting to me is that we as American's have a sense of NOW OR ILL TAKE MY MONEY ELSEWHERE. It's a game, I agree we do it for enjoyment, but your life is not going to fall apart because there are a few issues on that game for a small period of time. I highly doubt 8 hours of downtime in your ACP (not even in the server) affects your life that badly. I've had no issues with vilayer in the times that I've had them and they've been responsive within their TS at all times.
  2. advanex1@yahoo.com

    Why Ban Me

    I replied back to you personally, take care.
  3. advanex1@yahoo.com

    Why Ban Me

    That's the great thing about assuming. For someone who has no idea what was going on or why, you sure do have a lot of thoughts about the issue at hand. I have more important things to worry about than people "stealing my loot" in a game. I have a full time job and wife with three kids, that's far from what I'm worried about my friend. It's funny, even when server admins come to give the reason, they are doubted and the reasons are refused. Why come to justify the reason or even engage in the other players within the player base? Move on. I will not be posting here on this topic again. Have a good day.
  4. advanex1@yahoo.com


    You and your friend(s) today were banned for two reasons - battle logging and changing servers to move positions. Please report the whole story. I am the server admin, if you have complaints, you can direct them to me. Thanks.
  5. advanex1@yahoo.com

    Why Ban Me

    You and your friend today were banned for two reasons - battle logging and changing servers to move positions. Please report the whole story. I am the server admin, if you have complaints, you can direct them to me. Thanks.