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Everything posted by shadow_moses

  1. I came in from the north side of Stary and was making my way to the north east tent when I saw some bodies laying on the floor. I honestly thought you were dead until you opened fire. I had to change my shorts after that burst of fire. I honestly jumped a foot out of my chair. Well played sir well played! I have not been scared like that in a very long time. I laughed so damn hard after that. Thank you for the fun times.
  2. shadow_moses

    To the guy in Stary Last night.

    Why do people like you make post like this.. Stop pissing on my parade. I had a fun time getting the shit scared out of me thought you guys would like to hear my story. And just maybe the guy that shot me would see it and get a kick out of it.
  3. You can point it at the ground.
  4. shadow_moses

    New Server...Map question

    Post pics of your finished product.
  5. shadow_moses

    New Server...Map question

    You can buy them aswell.
  6. shadow_moses

    New Server...Map question

    Might be able to do that with one of the map pics or the Map from Dayzdb.com
  7. shadow_moses

    Makarov damage wrong in tables

    dayzdb.com will show you all the guns and gear. Even shows the damage of those.
  8. shadow_moses

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is great news!!!!! Congratz to the DAYZ Mod Team!!!!
  9. shadow_moses

    Why I dislike this forum...

    Not all of us are like that. Just ignore them. There are some cry babies and a holes all over. I just choose to ignore them. Oh yeah its not just this forums I see it at other forums as well. Keep you chin up and keep playing the game and screw the flamers and QQers
  10. shadow_moses

    Disabling 3rd person on foot

    If the first person was more natural I could see doing this. But the field of view is off to me or not natural. I need the 3rd person to look for zombies chasing me. If you want this play on a vet or expert server.
  11. shadow_moses

    hacker putting music to play

    Yeah last night heard the something like that but it wasnt music it was the sounds of a chopper flying around. I was looking at my map at the time and when I put the map away a player named Alex was standing in front of me. He didn't kill me but he was asking me if I could see his skin and asked if I could hear the chopper. His skin looked like a bloody faced zombie and bloody hands carrying an Axe. He tried to give me a bunch of stuff but I told him I was good.
  12. shadow_moses

    The cost of Day Z stand alone

    Shut up and take my money!!! LOL I am not sure what it will cost but I would be interested to hear as well.
  13. shadow_moses

    To the guy in Stary Last night.

    This says it perfectly.
  14. shadow_moses

    To the guy in Stary Last night.

    No not a rage post lol. I had a good time even though I died. Dying is part of the game. Every time I die I learn something new.
  15. shadow_moses

    Standalone: Why be excited about Arma 3 engine?

    The new game engine will have bigger cans of beans!!! That's what I am excited about. WOOT!!
  16. shadow_moses

    This guy is the creepiest guy in DayZ i have ever seen

    I saw a guy that looked just like him last night on a US server his name was Alex.
  17. shadow_moses


    I wasn't screaming.
  18. shadow_moses


    Most of this has been discussed already and/or they are working on it. Its alpha by the time the product is released it will be polished up.
  19. shadow_moses

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    Just throwing this out there.. is the fire wall up and if so do you have rules for the game set in the firewall?
  20. shadow_moses

    Mike Tyson zombies?

    I got one hit a few nights ago. Fresh off the beach and was super agro zombie came flying out of no where. Dont know where he came from I was crouched down trying to get my bearings and wham zombie from hell came at me running full blast and one hit me.
  21. shadow_moses

    Graphical Issues

    HAHAHAHA good luck with that FFS.
  22. shadow_moses

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    Then log in on clear days, Its just the foggy weather, lol
  23. shadow_moses

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    Could it be that its just foggy? Someone was telling me it could be part of the weather effects.
  24. shadow_moses

    Getting kicked of game

    There are several threads on this topic named the same as your thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46183-you-were-kicked-off-the-game/
  25. shadow_moses

    Getting kicked from ALL servers.

    I had the same issue as you. Steam does not always down load the files after its finished verifying the files. Check this thread out. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46183-you-were-kicked-off-the-game/