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About Djestr

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  1. Djestr

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    My bad didn't realize another thread was started on the 12th in regards to this.
  2. Djestr

    Good hacker free server?

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!.................................................................. oh wait your serious?
  3. Djestr

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    Link to the video on the escapist. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/6276-DayZ Funny stuff
  4. Looks like it is down for good. Bummer I liked this server.
  5. Out of morbid curiosity. Have any of the people still getting graphical issues actually turned off AA in the game? It completely cleared it up for me on . I will double test this again when I get home and Fraps the video and upload to you-tubes.... So I am clear as to the setting I am refering too, Not Atoc, not anistropic-filtering , but anti-aliasing filter.
  6. in update What finally completely cleared graphical glitches for me was to turn off anti-alaising. Haven't played with yet will check it out when I get home from work.
  7. Djestr

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    Along the line of thought of this thread. You would need to remove the range finders, and NVGS , and any weapon with a nightvision scope, as they all give massive advantages.
  8. Djestr

    DayZ Stories

    Aug 8th, 2012 Character: [WS_Sgt]DocHoppy Server: US20 I woke up in the barn I had taken refuge in, and chowed down the last of the fresh meat I had. Prior to winding up here, I had made my way through Balota Airfield, and Cherno becoming moderately well equipped. I decided to make my way up to the NWA to see if I could find a cayote back pack. I decided to take the long way around, and it the north barracks first. Crawling toward the barracks, I notice the door is closed, but I hear flies. I open the door and find some poor soul lying dead on the floor. I quickly check his body, he apparently hadn't been there long, but did appropriate his alice back and compass. I checked the barracks and find an m16a203. I pick it up and drop the m4a1 I was carrying. I found nothing else usefull and made my way to the hangers, again nothing usefull, same with the southern barracks. I decide to vacate the area and head SE. shortly after leaving the airfield I come across a helicopter crash, and lady lucks graces me with an DMR and one mag. I decided to see if the local Clan that runs the server has a base out on Skalisty Island, this is a fairly long trek. As I am making my way across the map, I come across a lone tent, not well hidden but just there. I take a look and low and behold there is an L85AWS. I decide to leave the DMR and take the L85, since it shares mags with the m16. Happy with my new toy I continue on my trip, get to Krutoy cap and stop. "no boat",I think out loud. I decide to take a chance as there was only 1 other person on the server and leave my pack and everything on the shore behind some rocks, and swim with only my g17 and magazines plus a bouyant can of sardines. I explore Skalisty but find no camps. I do find a boat, and make a mental note of that. I continue searching the island and find a quiet fishing community with a boat house, and a few formerly known as humans. G17's are great if you can get head shots, but that wasn't happening, I hoof it for the boat with a little over a half dozen "Zeds" chasing me. I make it to the boat and jump in, luckily it is in good shape with half a tank of gas. I make my way back to the spot I had dropped my items and reaquire them. I decided to use the boat for what it was worth, (Very slow) and head up the coast, I jump out ditching the boat near solnichny. I found a warehouse and found a spot to call it a day. August 9th 2012. Server UK 197 I am awakend by engine noises, I look and all I can see is a dust cloud. I leave Solnichny, I headed in land a bit and ran west along the road trying to see if I could see the car. I trail all the way back to Kamyshovo but dont find him. I head back to the shore and as I am coming back up on Krutoy Cap, I catch a climpse of blue near the trees back off the road, I also see someone swinging a hatchet. I had hear stories about a crazed hatchet fiend and decided I shouldn't take any chances. I was 150 meters away and this person hadn't noticed me, I went prown and zeroed my scope on the L85 for 200 meters. I take the shot and bam head shot clean kill. (Sorry Shapka (I think)) I make my way to this pretty blue mini van and quickly take stock. The guy had not had the van very long. Van is in good shape, I decided to head the the north east airfield. As I am cruising along, I see fuel is getting low. I know there is a jerry can in the back and decide to fill up at the airfield. As I am getting fuel, I suddenly here the crack of a round coming really close to my head hitting the bus, I hear glass breaking. I jump in the bus and back up..and take off across the air field. The shots do no real damage, and I figured out where this guy was. he was in the top floor of the ATC tower. I pull about 500 meters away and jump out. I sight in, seeing him lying on the roof. I don't fire, I see him get up and run down the stairs, as he is going down the steps I have a shot through the window...again I don't fire. Zeds are running toward the ATC tower, I hear frantic gun shots, non coming my way, I decided to leave him to his zombie party. I make my way to the gas station near Gorka, I jump out and begin to refuel the van. I walk over to refill the jerry can, and nothing. (desync bug I think). I decided to quit playing for the day but want to try to blow up the fuel tanks, by parking the van almost on top of them, and Blowing it up. The van explodes with a lovely orange fireball, but the fuel tanks dont. That is all for now.
  9. Here I thought CQF was anti-banditry, with there posting in the survivor HQ thread and all. But with there members killing new spawned players then Alt-f4 ing? Sad. FYI they have been seen on US 20 as well.
  10. Maybe bans would have more meaning if it affected Arma 2 it's self. Hack Dayz Get banned so you can't play regular Multiplayer Arma 2 either?
  11. Enable groups, and group chat. That would help eliminate the need for TS.
  12. Djestr

    new feature: military

    Not a terrible idea, however, I would say they should not be able to be looted. If anything, maybe a small stash like at helicopter crash sites, when you destroy a vehicle or an entire military group.
  13. Djestr

    New Item - The 'Stash'

    I Think you just found a use for the crowbar.
  14. Still looking for other people mature people to play with on regular basis.
  15. Rocket- Can we get some ACRE integration? or something like it?