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About Greavesy

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  1. Greavesy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    StevieMJH just came and gave me some food and pepsi and put it in my backpack. He left and I then accidently dropped my backpack instead of opening it ( feeling like a newb) It was in a night time server so i was just looking around scrolling the mouse wheel and he came back and found it for me. Thats atleast 2 thumbs up.
  2. Greavesy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Im north of the petrol station between balota and cherno D: on 3000 health and dieing of thirst and hunger ( My pick up with all my stuff in got jacked xD) Help would be much appreciated.
  3. Part of me kind of wants to test CaRnAgE, don't doubt that he can do it. I just want to see it for myself :D
  4. Greavesy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big thanks to lynx who just cave me a blood transfusion. Even if he did scare me with his ninja eating :D
  5. Greavesy

    Looking for people!

    I'd be up for joining you just waiting to get some help from a medic :)
  6. Greavesy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh yeh my steam name is rickymg1994 if anyone can help im on about 3.5k blood near nadezhdino :)
  7. Greavesy

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Having made my first decent start to a life i found myself hugging the coast from Cherno making my way north and grabbing some more basics. When i got to the factory area north of Solnichniy ( i think thats correct) someone started sniping me from the hills so I chip it into one of the factory buildings to see an even newer newb than myself huddled in the corner with his hatchet. After both frantically typing friendly I discover he also took cover from the sniper in this building and was getting shot at everytime he tried to leave. Now after 2 days of solid looting->death->looting cycles im fairly confident i can find what i need pretty quickly so I give this guy everything bar my flares, revolver and Binoculars. Itell him to go to outskirts of Berizino and il try and find him after. I run outside and the sniper misses but i see roughly where he is and jumo back into cover, 5 seconds later I start launching flares everywhere and just run up that hill like Leeroy Jenkins spraying and praying. Took him 20-30 seconds to kill me as the other newb runs the otherway. Couldn't help but be pleased with myself :) Until 15 minutes later where I see Matty ( might have been Matt) was Killed :P
  8. Id be up for joining playing lonewolf is pretty dull and pretty hard without blood transfusions :P Steam Name- rickymg1994
  9. Greavesy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    A) I could really do with some blood xD I added lynx on steam and hopefully he can save me :) ( Im in the uk so I just searched for a european medic) B ) I would really like to get involved with the helping, even if its suicide runs to the hospitals :D
  10. I'd be interested in helping :) started playing on sunday night and have only found 1 friendly and we got shot within like 5 minutes of meeting xD
  11. I only started playing last night but Id like to meet up with someone friendly instead of getting shot in the back every 10 minutes :P