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Everything posted by KaptKrunKed

  1. hey p2 sorry about the kills on you man we had the little bird found that huey that spawned in electro and were using all the ammo so no one could shoot us down in the little bird you were saying you were friendly but got really close to us with hatched one hit one kill you know ;) i want to know how in the balls you got that second huey up so fast but great flying man ! tried to give spuddey the last working chopper in the server but he decided to shot us instead. extreme enjoy the truck and the little bird man ! :)
  2. Well i think you have to high of a zombie count for how much aggro is being put out but thats just me.
  3. Has any one suggested to put the zombie's aggro back to when Dayz first came out but still have the ability to loose aggro threw buildings trees ect. The aggro is insane and i don't mind how many zombies there are but it would be nice to use the crawl function again .
  4. Alrighty, Do i got the mod in the correct location for Arma but once i try and connect to the server i get to the player list then get booted out to the arma main menu screen. any idea how i can get this to work ?