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About cluis

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    Just a guy, playing this mod for the shits.
  1. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    I am glad you all are diggin it. Though I don't know if I will be playing the game anymore. I know its an alpha but this mod is just a mess right now. Maybe I will come back in a few months when it is upgraded to beta. It was fun at the beginning but about 70 of the time I die its because of a bug. Thats if I can ever get on a server that isnt all roided out. We'll see, I am just sad tonight because I had managed to get a few things together only to have a server kill everyone on it. Meh, what can one expect from WalkingFluMatchSearchingNarcolepsySimulator Alpha [HARDCORE - NO CROSS - EXPERT - ALWAYS NIGHT ] :)
  2. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    Whelp turns out there is a 500k limit to size, and after I made them embiggened too. So I put it on my Deviant art account. Here is the link to it. I gotta figure out a better method for this. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/146/9/d/dayz_journal__7_by_cluis-d517rbw.jpg Cheers, Cluis
  3. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    Wow, thanks for all the support folks! I have finished writing the next one, and half way done illustrating it. Its a bit bigger, but I think this it helps. What do you all think about me breaking this off in a blog format, that way the images and the text can be separate. It would prolly let me do a better job of both. Idk, I think if I took it off the forums though people would stop going. Let me know what you think. Cluis
  4. cluis

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    The most suspenseful part of the game. I think getting past that screen is probably the most hardcore feature anyone can come up with.
  5. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    Kinda rushed this one, but its pretty funny I think. As per usual lemme know what you think. [attachment=328]
  6. I think the thing that gets me is that I have died about 6 or 7 times, only one of those was from zombies. And I stay in the woodline for the most part! And now I am passing out like crazy because it took me 40 mins to catch an infection, then apparently I need to wade in to a city to find antibiotics. I think this should be pretty funny, what with all the spontaneous napping/coughing I do these days. That's is if I can find a server that isn't always night, no sights/3rd person/expert/murderous bunnies/flying zombied out HARDCORE!!!...I know, I am whining, and I am sorry, I love this game so far. I just know when I get my friends to play it the first time they are just going to go "screw this" rather than get better at it. Learning curve is probably too steep...Idk I will just shut up now and go narcolepsy my self through Electro.
  7. cluis

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    First of all Awesome stuff Trips, love the hatch work. Second, my journal is now here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4172 thanks for all the kind werds!
  8. cluis

    DayZ Stories

    I have moved my Illustrated journal to its own thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4172 incase you guys were still interested.
  9. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    Wow, thanks for the response guys! I certainly plan on continuing doing these, though I doubt I will be able to keep up the post a day pace (I do after all have a business to run) BUT, maybe Rouge has the right idea. bookmark / subscribe to this so you don't have to keep checking to see if there is a new post. The next one is going to have a little bit more in way of people so it will take a bit more planning than landscapes and the like. I really appreciate the feed back, makes my little anemic ego swell just a tad, and obviously gives me motivation to keep goin. I don't know how long this will last, but I am glad some folks like it. Though of the 6 lives I have had in game so far only one of them has come at the hands of zombies, I will try to keep tossing in more of those gooey bastards cause I love drawing them. Hooray! In the mean time if you get bored there are some more of my illustration stuff on my deviant art page if you wish to take a gander http://cluis.deviantart.com/ Cluis
  10. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    I am starting to get a feel for the story, I think I will maybe expand some for more text. Idk, what do ya'll think. I want to keep doing big scale drawings, but I also want more room to write. Well either way, here is the next installment. [attachment=303]
  11. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    I agree, I think you could build in some interesting mechanics to make it work. Maybe something that comes up during the loading screen, or after you get whacked. I will be posting another one later today, if ya'll is interested.
  12. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    I appreciate the comments, despite getting sniped today in-game, I still had enough left in me to do another entry. I am thinking of going with a wider format, since so much of the game is environment. Maybe 1920px wide? Well anywho, take a look, lemme know what you think. Cheers, Cluis [attachment=272]
  13. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    do you think its too slow moving? Also, is it too much drawing or too much writing?
  14. cluis

    Illustrated Journal

    Ok, since I can't really upload large images here I have put all the current journal entries in this imag.ur folder http://imgur.com/a/xx8fY#0 I am working on a more permanent tublr blog but until then this should work ok. let me know if you have issues. Cheers, Cluis
  15. cluis

    DayZ Stories

    Here is a new journal entry. Hope you like. [attachment=208]