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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Nicely choosen topic name.. Anyway im the admin of the FI22 server and i am also the admin of game42.com a game server provider in Finland that rent Dayz servers.. And i can only say exactly what Disgraced said that admins cant do anything like that. Scripters and hackers they do teleport people either to themself or teleport the hacker itself to you and kill you instantly.. sky is the limit for them.
  2. Agreed, People need to start thinking straight ffs
  3. First of sorry for my bad english, Im from Finland.. Was playing on NL 18 with 5 friends and we were all on mumble.. All of a sudden every single player on the server got teleported in to a open field just beside other players and there were about 20 crashsites in the exact same place.. We all died exept one and he came across a invicible guy who was bleeding and all he saw was the blood and the gun and he killed EVERYONE.. So there goes the loot from all of us and on that server.. I seen alot of burning fields and crashsites that were apparently spawned by hackers into one place but this was just plain annoying.. I hope this is not the way this game will be.. I mean we all know about the rules for server and "no server are supposed to be locked" but still there are a ton of them so i just hope the devs wont let this shit slide like with the locked servers..