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Everything posted by Grackel

  1. Grackel


    Might try the DayZDB website. Lots of info and map with spawn locations. Not guaranteed, just known spawns per the DB: http://dayzdb.com/ Good Luck.
  2. Had an unarmed guy show up in a school building with me. I didn't shoot him, but he kept getting close, using voice comms. I kept my distance as its possible to loot someone elses gear if they are in range. Next thing I know the guy has a 1911. My first mistake was not just shooting him to avoid the personal conflict of decision making. Thankfully my teammate shot him for me because I was having a mental block. Shooting someone (or everyone for that matter) takes all of the decision making out of the process after they are dead.
  3. Grackel

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Adharma, I feel what you're saying. Folks want to bitch when they get to use something free but it isn't exactly to their liking. I've got to say though, I get kicked out of a lot of servers. I show up, 2 minutes later I'm kicked. Join again, get kicked again. I've been banned from one server which was US 1337, and all I did was join and run about 60 meters. It's their server, they can run them however they like, and I'm not complaining about this, mind, its just an observation. I'll find a low pop server so I can run across the map, or just have a low-key gaming experience, and get kicked. No biggie, that's what the server list is for I suppose.
  4. Grackel

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    This thread reminds me of the banned users "he's hack / i'm not hack" thread. Everyones word against everyone elses.
  5. Grackel

    Groups/Squads: A way to prevent KOS

    I would like this as a way of IFF on my own counterparts playing. I dont know if this would include some sort of mouse over color change to know people that are friendlies as opposed to how other players look when moused over. Not that I can mouse over people in real life...
  6. Could a players gear be made to drop to the ground (like spawned loot) if they died or blacked out? Then they could DC, wouldn't matter. If they didn't DC and came to from blacking out, just pickup the bag and carry on. Any bleed over time damage would have a timer, then progress to the drop mechanic should they die or black out. I don't even know if this would be possible to create, just a concept.
  7. Shoot first, ask questions later.
  8. Grackel

    New Enemy - Z D

    Regular dogs, neutral to humans, agro to zombies. trainable, additional care, compliment to both squad operations as well as the lone survivor. city dogs in cities (security based skillset), military working dogs (same as city dogs, more offensive capability) near military outposts. same health mechanics apply. No loot drop, except meat, can carry a low slot ALICE pack variant. Working dogs are already in ARMA 2, just my 2c.