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About Deathbydogtreat

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    On the Coast

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  1. Deathbydogtreat

    Initial reactions to the first 20+ hours or so playing Day-Z.

    Hah, I have also died to the dreaded sharp corners of a building/doors/walls. I forgot to mention other things, when I found a knife the VERY first time I played, I was really shocked that I couldn't use it to defend myself, even if it would have been woefully inadequate.
  2. Deathbydogtreat

    What do youy do if you see a player

    I just walk up to them and start talking. I've only been shot once, and I didn't really get close enough to the guy to even "say" anything as he shot me from a good distance. It seems to strange to me the culture of shooting someone else just because someone was rude to you. The whole shoot first, ask questions later mentality could easily be reversed if enough people put effort into it. Every time I've made the effort to talk and just be friendly, it's worked out well. I will say though that only one person I befriended in this way had a gun vs. me having a melee weapon, otherwise I've only met with others who have a melee weapon like me. A big part of it is I volunteer to move out in front so they have the option to backstab if they want, it can help put someone at ease and you can make some buddies by just trusting them first.
  3. Deathbydogtreat

    Initial reactions to the first 20+ hours or so playing Day-Z.

    Yeah you definitely mentioned things that bother me a bit, I do wish it was easier to find a weapon for one. If I were to actually suggest something, I would think that the big piles of trash/axes stuck in a piece of tree trunk/ people come across should have metal pipes/hammers/junk that you can wield as SOMETHING to defend yourself with. While I assume this: ...was meant to be helpful, it doesn't really tell me anything I didn't already know and it still illuminates the problem of drinking water shortages. In 20+ hours of play, I've found one soda. One. I don't think about everywhere is very accurate, although I appreciate the attempted advice.
  4. First I would like to say there is something strangely addicting about this game, and in the time I've played although I died MANY times, something about expecting it causes a complete calm when it does happen. I wanted to address a few things that have been bothering me as a newer person, and while these may have gone better in suggestions, I think if people read and respond to this adding something different to the game wouldn't be necessary as I think it's a shortcoming or lack of information on my part. The first 3 times I played, I lasted maybe all of 30 minutes and died to zombies every time. I have always played alone, and out of all the people I've encountered in game (a rough estimate of about 10-14 across different servers), only ONE has shot me on sight while the rest didn't shoot at all! While I am getting better about finding weapons, better backpacks, water stations, and various car parts (oddly enough), I've had a real issue with drinkable water. While it is usually not the most immediate threat, it is the slow killer that makes me nervous everytime I play. Only two times out of 20 hours of play have I found a refillable water bottle, or a soda. By the time I'm dying now when I'm doing better, the water symbol is red EVERY time. I know big cities are good for looting basics before moving on and exploring into the wilds for extra shit/to not die, but does anyone have specific advice about getting or keeping water? I am loving the game, even with the constant dying. I think if I can get a little better at finding guns (only found 3 at this point, and 2 was in one period of play) and locking down a consistent source of water the game will be that much more enjoyable. Thanks!