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Posts posted by revant54

  1. Age (Be Honest): 19

    In Game Name: Revant

    Country/Timezone: US EST(-5 GMT)

    Are You Active?: Yes I try to go on as much as I can.

    Experience In Dayz: I've only been playing for about a week or so but the more I play the more I've been getting used to the game mechanics and all the little subtleties.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I have been playing with guilds/clans for over 5 years now and with that has brought a lot of experience working with teams. Also, my job has me working with people all the time so it's more or less second nature to me now.

    Steam Name: Revant54

    Skype Name: Revant54

  2. I definitely would support something like this. It would add a whole 'nother aspect to firing your gun. Your hunger and thirst degrade, why shouldn't your weapon? Even in the best conditions a gun is not going to last forever if it isn't well maintained. Good idea :) I'll give you some beans for that.
