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About karas2@live.com.au

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. karas2@live.com.au


    Mine was my own boat! It made me fall into the water and break my leg.
  2. karas2@live.com.au


    I was not thinking actual ghosts, just an empty train that runs around the map. For realism of course this would not work, but if we think of it as an auto train that runs on sun power!
  3. karas2@live.com.au


    What is your biggest betrayal? That has either happened to you, or you have done your self?
  4. karas2@live.com.au

    More bang bang!

    That is why there should be more! Comat would take place a lot closer. Even have all guns rare and a wide range of melee weapons. Just something to force people not to camp snipe.
  5. karas2@live.com.au


    They should make more train tracks and have ghost trains running at night. It would be creepy to walk one roll by, not knowing if anyone is inside.
  6. karas2@live.com.au

    More bang bang!

    I just feel they should be the most common gun, what farmer doesn't have one? Take away the high powered rifles and AR's and bring in the common man weapons. The game would be a lot more tense.
  7. karas2@live.com.au

    wild tamable animals and wild life in general

    It would be awesome to have zombie bears, and other things out in the wild that can kill you. The fear of going though the forest at night to hear a wolf howl. Knowing out there in the night something is hunting you.
  8. karas2@live.com.au


    They have punching in a mod called "Life". It works out well but if you were to put it in Day Z it would need to be twink.
  9. karas2@live.com.au

    More bang bang!

    I think that the most common type of guns should be shotguns. The fact is most players don't pick it up or they find a better weapon. But shouldn't the worst guns be more common?
  10. karas2@live.com.au

    These people....

    If you read my comment I said I used a 303. They both had guns and I need food and water. It was far game, I am just saying it is a bitch move to log out because you get shot or shot at.
  11. karas2@live.com.au

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    The Cz tricks me as well, I can hit people just never a one shot kill.
  12. karas2@live.com.au

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    Lee Enfield is one of my favorite weapons as well as the M16.
  13. karas2@live.com.au

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    The weapon that you go out of the way to never use. For me that is the crossbow, or the crowbar.
  14. karas2@live.com.au

    These people....

    They got hit with the 303, so they are going to bleed out some where. I think I broke on of their legs as well.
  15. karas2@live.com.au

    These people....

    Thank you. I find my self switching, often I will go bandit hunting.