Sigh. As opposed to creating a new thread I will just vent on yours. It used to be every few nights I'd run into a hacker wiht my friends. We'd get teleported and die. Yada blah whatever. It didn't happen enough for it to ruin my fun for the most part. Now every night I'm dead from a hacker. It's just flat out ruining the game. I can quickly enough escape, alt-cntrl-del or alt f4 now to not die as of late but will be in areas that are remote enough to not make it fun to spend 30 mins running back to where I was to only have it happen immediately the next server I join. And it's just a game, I get it as well. I get that hackers find it funny and troll worthy to do this. But when every single server is doing the same thing of teleporting to the same spot just so they can all wipe out the server and hop to another and do it all night, doesn't that in itself start to get kinda boring?