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Everything posted by Penetratorius

  1. I am just about to spawn also Jordan, tell me where you spawn.
  2. I added a few of you, my in game name is Penetratorius if you could add it please. I'm just about to repawn.
  3. Hi guys. I'm looking for some UK players to play with, I'm 15. Just setting up DayZCommander now. I'll add all of your DZC names now.
  4. Don't know the map very well, but I finally made it to Elektro - only to fall off of something and break my legs. I don't know where in Elektro I am, I'm near some warehouse.
  5. I'm pretty new to the game, but I've been playing other games for years so I've picked it up pretty well. Looking for some tactical-minded mature people to play with, that can also have a laugh. I'm situated in the UK, and I have Skype.
  6. I'd like to join also, please PM me :)
  7. Penetratorius

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    Sorry didn't realise I had to fill this in. DayZ Name : Penetratorius How long have you been playing DayZ : Since yesterday What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] +0 (British Summer Time) Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Yes What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Machine gunner Skype name : [Penetratorius69]
  8. I've just been killed on one of the UK servers, I can't remember which. But I'm literally sick of it. I was making my way parallel to a road, in some woodland when I spot a barn. I zoom in and see a single person looking straight at me. I didn't know what to do so I went prone. As he approches me, 2 more follow him out. I stand up and let them see I'm not carrying a weapon, and I go into the direct comms chat and say 'friendly' a couple of times. They stand there staring at me, then one shoots. I'm injured and I back away. I say 'I have nothing of value'. I have no bandages left and I'm already low on blood so I approach in the hope that they shot by mistake and they'll have mercy on me and patch me up. But nevertheless I'm shot, and killed. Now I need some people to play with. I'm in the UK so I like UK servers. I have Skype if that's necessary for communication. Leave a reply down below if you're interested, or send me a PM with your details. I go by the name of Penetratorius on Day Z.
  9. Penetratorius

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    Hi I'm interested in joining. Please send me a message on here or add me on Skype: Penetratorius69 Regards
  10. Reggie1234, I've sent you a contact request on Skype.
  11. Leave your details then and we can get started
  12. Penetratorius

    Bandit Clan Recruiting

    Hi, I would like to join. My character's recently died though so I'd be starting with nothing. I'm English by the way. Please private message me the IP and other details?